Arithmomaniac / Gravity

CRUDQ Framework for Relativity Custom Development

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CRUDQ Framework for Relativity Custom Development

This is also available as a [nuget package].(

Target Framework

  • .NET 4.5.2


This project requires references to Relativity's Relativity® SDK dlls. These dlls are not part of the open source project and can be obtained by contacting, getting it from your Relativity instance, or installing the SDK from the [Community Portal] (

• kCura.Relativity.Client.dll • Relativity.API.dll • kCura.Data.RowDataGateway.dll


Before using the CRUD/Q methods in Gravity you will have to create a model and decorate it with the appropriate attributes.

• RelativityObject Attribute - Specifies the type Guid of the RDO you are targeting. • RelativityObjectField Attribute - Specifies the type Guid and the "RdoFieldType" of the RDO field you are targeting. • RelativityMultipleObject Attribute - Specifies the type Guid of a multiple object RDO field. *Note: This attribute is used if you want to return the field as a List of objects (not just ids). • RelativitySingleObject Attribute - Specifies the type Guid of a single object RDO field. *Note: This attribute is used if you want to return the field as a objects (not just id). • RelativityObjectChildrenList Attribute - Attribute is used to decorate a List of child RDOs as a object List.

The following example demonstrates a RDO represented as a Model:

	public class DemoPurchaseOrder : BaseDto
		[RelativityObjectField("E1FA93B9-C2DB-442A-9978-84EEB6B61A3F", (int)RdoFieldType.FixedLengthText, 255)]
		public override string Name { get; set; }

		[RelativityObjectField("37159592-B5B6-4405-AF74-10B5728890B4", (int)RdoFieldType.WholeNumber)]
		public int OrderNumber { get; set; }

		[RelativityObjectField("37159592-B5B6-4405-AF74-10B5728890B4", (int)RdoFieldType.FixedLengthText, 100)]
		public string CustomerName { get; set; }

		[RelativityObjectField("3BDC0971-A87C-414E-9A37-FC477279BBAD", (int)RdoFieldType.FixedLengthText, 100)]
		public string CustomerEmail { get; set; }

		[RelativityObjectField("D0770889-8A4D-436A-9647-33419B96E37E", (int)RdoFieldType.MultipleObject, typeof(Items))]
		public IList<Items> ItemIds { get; set; }

       		[RelativityMultipleObject("D0770889-8A4D-436A-9647-33419B96E37E", typeof(Items))]
		public List<Items> Items { get; set; }

       		[RelativitySingleObject("D0770889-8A4D-436A-9647-33419B96E37E", typeof(Address))]
		public Address Address { get; set; }

		[RelativityObjectField("4501A308-5E68-4314-AEDC-4DEB527F12A8", (int)RdoFieldType.Decimal)]
		public decimal Total { get; set; }

       		[RelativityObjectField("CEDB347B-679D-44ED-93D3-0B3027C7E6F5", (int)RdoFieldType.SingleChoice, typeof(OrderType))]
		public OrderType OrderType { get; set; }

		public IList<RelatedPurchase> RelatedPurchases { get; set; }

*Note: For property of type "User" use "kCura.Relativity.Client.DTOs.User" and for property of type FileField use "Gravity.Base.RelativityFile"

For Choice field you must create a enum and decorate it with the appropriate attributes.

• RelativityObject Attribute - Specifies the choice Guid.

The following example demonstrates a choice field represented as an Enum:

	public enum OrderType
		TypeOne = 1,

		TypeTwo = 2

To use Gravity Dao you must instantiate "RsapiDao" object using the RsapiDao initializer with IHelper and WorkspaceId as parameters for RSAPI operations.

Supported RSAPIDao methods:

  • GetRelativityObject(int artifactId, ObjectFieldsDepthLevel depthLevel) - Get DTO by Artifact ID and specific depth level of child objects and object fields.
  • GetDTOs(int[] artifactIDs, ObjectFieldsDepthLevel depthLevel) - Get DTOs by Artifact IDs and specific depth level of child objects and object fields.
  • List GetAllChildDTOs(Guid parentFieldGuid, int parentArtifactID, ObjectFieldsDepthLevel depthLevel) - Get all child DTOs of type for parent.
  • List GetAllDTOs(Condition queryCondition = null, ObjectFieldsDepthLevel depthLevel = ObjectFieldsDepthLevel.FirstLevelOnly)
  • List GetAllDTOs() - Get all DTOs of type.
  • DeleteRelativityObjectRecusively(T theObjectToDelete) - Delete object recursively (includes child objects).
  • DeleteRelativityObjectRecusively(int objectToDeleteId)- Delete object recursively (includes child objects) by Artifat ID.
  • InsertChildListObjects(IList objectsToInserted, int parentArtifactId) - Insert Child objects for parent.
  • InsertRelativityObject(BaseDto theObjectToInsert) - Insert Relativity object from RDO.
  • UpdateRelativityObject(BaseDto theObjectToUpdate) - Update Relativity object from RDO.
  • UpdateField(int rdoID, Guid fieldGuid, object value) - Update field value by GUID and RDO Artifact ID

The following example demonstrates a object "Get" used in Event handler. First we instantiate "RsapiDao" and then we use the Gravity RSAPI Dao GetRelativityObject method to get the object(ObjectFieldsDepthLevel.FirstLevelOnly means that we want just the object - no child object fields, multiple object fields or single object fields are populated recursively):

	public override Response Execute()
		Response returnResponse = new Response() { Message = string.Empty, Success = true };

		RsapiDao gravityRsapiDao = new RsapiDao(this.Helper, this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID());

      		DemoPurchaseOrder demoOrder =  gravityRsapiDao.GetRelativityObject<DemoPurchaseOrder>(1047088,

       		return returnResponse;


CRUDQ Framework for Relativity Custom Development



Language:C# 100.0%