ArdianR / Shopping-Cart-Solution-CodeIgniter

Bootstrap Responsive eCommerce Platform

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Shopping Cart Solution - CodeIgniter and Bootstrap

Bootsrap Responsive online shop

Current versions:

  • Codeigniter 3.1.3
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7

We support following features:

  1. Bootstrap responsive
  2. MultiLanguage with interface for easy add/edit functionality!!
  3. Beautifle design
  4. Advanced search with treeView categories
  5. Easy manage of products (new filed for every added language, subcategories are easy to manage)
  6. Advanced sorting and order products
  7. Ajax based shopping cart
  8. Checkouts are saved to administration, email notifications for every new order
  9. Quantity of products maganed from orders
  10. Add textual pages
  11. Activate and disable pages
  12. File manager in administration
  13. Blog integrated
  14. Email subscribe
  15. Easy installation
  16. Easy code change
  17. Edit every text from interface..
  18. Receive alt text payments, also have option for paypal sandbox testing
  19. Fast Loading
  20. Site color change with easy to use gradient generator
  21. Add multilanguage cookie notificator from for EU Cookie Law
  22. Multiple templates.. also can create your own..
  23. Bank account payments support
  24. Highcharts statistics for orders
  25. and more.. and more..

Easy installation in 3 steps

  1. Import dbDump.sql to your mysql
  2. Set hostname, username and password in application/config/database.php
  3. Set your site domain in application/config/config.php - $config['base_url'] = '';
  4. Opss I forgot for last 4 step... ENJOY! ;)

Login to administration with:

  • User: admin
  • Pass: admin


alt text

Screenshot of admin panel

alt text

How To Write Templates

  1. Every template in /application/views/templates/ folder must have this file structure: alt text

  2. Every file name is for the page that will show.

  3. Page urls are

  • / - for home page (home.php)
  • /checkout - checkout page (checkout.php)
  • /shopping-cart - shopping cart page (shopping_cart.php)
  • /contacts - contacts page (contacts.php)
  • /page/pageName - every textual page added from administration (dynPage.php)
  • /blog - blog (blog.php)
  • /blog/myarticle_1 - blog articles preview (view_blog_post.php)
  • /myProduct_1 - online store product preview (view_product.php)
  1. _parts/footer.php and _parts/header.php are loaded in every of this pages
  2. Url for load cssfile.css from your css folder is base_url('templatecss/nameOfFile.css')
  3. Url for load jsfile.js from your js folder is base_url('templatejs/nameOfFile.js')
  4. Comming variables from controllers to views you can see in each conroller (names of controllers are equal to views)

Shopping cart:

  1. To add article to your shopping cart add this class to your links - add-to-cart , if you want to redirect user after add product to shopping cart add also add data-goto="http://..."
  2. Variable $cartItems have all your added items


Bootstrap Responsive eCommerce Platform


Language:PHP 59.9%Language:JavaScript 28.6%Language:CSS 6.5%Language:HTML 5.0%Language:ApacheConf 0.0%