ArchitectAK / ArchitectAK

About Ankit Kumar

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Hi, I am Ankit Kumar, Certified Blockchain Developer and Architect

My specialties include..

  • Quickly learning new skills and programming languages,
  • Problem-solving,
  • Responsive design principles

πŸ’» Languages I have used

Java Kotlin Swift Dart JavaScript TypeScript

C C++ Python HTML5 SQL PHP

πŸ—œ Some of the technologies I have worked with

Node.js React JavaScript TypeScript GraphQL Apollo Express Behave Jest

Android Java Kotlin Android Studio Dagger Jetpack Compose Gradle

Flutter Dart React Native iOS Swift XCode Firebase

IntelliJ Idea Git GitHub Jira Trello Asana RTC Jazz

AWS Linux MacOS Windows

⏳ I’m currently working on ...

Node.js React JavaScript TypeScript GraphQL Apollo Microservices AWS

React Native Flutter

Python IoT ML AR

Docker Kubernetes

AnkitDroidGit github stats

πŸ”­ I'm still enthusiastically grabbing onto any other programming languages, frameworks, or principles I can integrate into the coding web in my head.

How to reach me: Let's connect!

My Digital Garden 🌱

You can find my blogs at my Tech Blog Website.

The Developer Dictionary 🌱

Check out my latest videos on YouTube Channel:


About Ankit Kumar