This is a Open Source Intelligence Tool made complete out of Python.
This tool has been fixed with issues and released a update here
- Tool has module involved to scrape social media account details from Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
- It can find details about Phone number
- Email data Breach
- Domain module has various scans for domain check for vulneribility and spider crawlers
- Metadata Analyser
- Reverse Image Search
- IP Heatmap generator
- Mac Address finder of manufacturer
- IP2Proxy checks whether provided ip uses any kind of Proxy/VPN if any then check for DNSLeaks
- Torrent Download History
- Tool is currently available only in Command Line Interface (CLI)
Creators: ๐ค
1.Python 3.X with pip3 Installed
If not then, pip3 installation
apt install python3-pip
To Check pip versioon
pip3 --version
2.Geolite & IP2Proxy Databases
Geolite2 City Database
IP2Proxy Database
Download both database and move it to Probe_Spider/src/.
Open Terminal and type
git clone
cd Probe_Spider
To Install required Python package
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Before Executing, Change api keys in file src/ file for full version of the tool
To Run Probe_Spider
This tool is for research purposes only. Hence, the developers of this tool won't be responsible for any misuse of data collected using this tool. Used by many researchers and open source intelligence (OSINT) analysts.
Probe_Spider is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0. Take a look at the License
Feel free to express any kind of bug or error in this tool and create a issues, So that it can be fixed soon.