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Create and upload movies to Backlot through JavaScript

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Ooyala Backlot Uploader JavaScript Library v2


The Ooyala Backlot Uploader JavaScript library is an easy way to integrate with Ooyala's ingestion application programming interface (API). It supports two ways to upload video files:

  • Chunked upload using the HTML5 APIs

    By default, it uses the HTML5 File API to chunk a file in the client and upload the chunks to Ooyala's servers. This requires a browser that supports the File APIs. Supported browsers are Firefox 15+, Chrome 22+, Safari 6+, and IE with the ChromeFrame plugin. This is the recommended approach, particularly for large files, since a failed request only involves retrying that chunk rather than the entire file. It also boosts upload speed since multiple chunks can be uploaded in parallel.

  • Single-chunk upload using a Flash SWF

    For older browsers that do not support the File API, the library uses a Flash swf from the swfUpload library to upload the file in a single chunk. The library supports browsers with Flash version 9 or greater.


This document assumes familiarity with the Ooyala V2 APIs. Refer to and for descriptions of the Ooyala API URIs that underly the Backlot Uploader JavaScript Library.

Architecture: Signing Server

With version 2 of the Backlot API, every request must be signed with a user's secret. Because the secret should not be exposed to the client browser, the library requires a server that:

  • Accepts an unsigned request.
  • Signs it.
  • Forwards the request to Ooyala's API service.

No signing server is needed for the actual uploading of files or chunks. For a video, the client receives the URLs for uploading from the Ooyala API and directly posts to those URLs.


The Ooyala uploader is initialized with a configuration hash. The possible configuration hashes are as follows:

  • event: callback: Callback functions for each of the supported events described in the next section.
  • uploaderType: Type of uploader. Valid Values: "HTML5" | "Flash". Default: "HTML5".
  • swfUploader: Reference to the swfUploader object. Only required if uploaderType is "Flash"


The following events are recognized by the Backlot Uploader JavaScript Library:

  • embedCodeReady: Asset was created and an embed code is available. Callback parameter: assetID.
  • uploadProgress: File upload in progress. Callback parameters: assetID, progressPercent.
  • uploadComplete: Upload has completed. Callback parameter: assetID.
  • uploadError: An error occurred during the upload process. Callback parameters: assetID, type, fileName, statusCode, message. The error parameter is a hash containing error messages.


The Backlot Uploader JavaScript Library includes the following methods.

  • .on(event, callback): Add a callback function for any of the uploader events.
  • .uploadFile(file, options): The uploadFile method using the HTML5 File APIs to upload the asset in chunks. It requires a reference to a file and can include the options hash, described below.
  • .uploadFileUsingFlash(options): The uploadFileUsingFlash method uses the swfUpload library to upload the asset in a single chunk. To use this method, the page must contain an initialized swfUpload swf. The options hash is described below

Options hash for uploadFile and uploadFileUsingFlash

The uploadFile method takes in a file reference and an options hash. The possible options are:

  • assetType: Type of asset. Valid Values: "video" | "ad". Default: "video".
  • name: Asset name. Default: the specified filename.
  • description: Asset description. Default: none.
  • postProcessingStatus: Status after processing. Valid values: "live" | "paused". Default: "live".
  • labels: An array of labels to be assigned to the asset. If a label does not exist, it is created. Format: Labels must be specified by their full paths.
  • assetCreationUrl: URL on your signing server for creating assets. The corresponding Backlot API URI is [POST] /v2/assets. Note: This is a URI on your own server that signs requests before sending them to Ooyala. The name of your URI should be specified in this variable. Ooyala recommends using the default here so you can pass a parameterized URL that includes the asset ID. Default: "/v2/assets".
  • assetStatusUpdateUrl: URL on your signing server to update asset’s upload status. Corresponding Backlot API is [PUT] /v2/assets/assetID/upload_status. Default: "/v2/assets/assetID/upload_status". The string assetID will be replaced for the actual id of the asset.
  • assetUploadingUrl: URL on your signing server to GET the asset's uploading URLs. Corresponding Backlot API is [GET] /v2/assets/assetID/uploading_urls. Default: "/v2/assets/assetID/uploading_urls". The string assetID will be replaced for the actual ID of the asset.
  • labelCreationUrl: URL on your signing server for creating labels. Corresponding Backlot API is [POST] /v2/labels/by_full_path/paths. Default: "/v2/labels/by_full_path/paths". The paths variable is a comma-delimited list of full path names for labels, including the leading slash, such as /sports/baseball/giants or /sports/baseball/49er
  • labelAssignmentUrl: URL on your signing server to assign labels to assets. Corresponding Backlot API is [POST] /v2/assets/assetID/labels. Default: "/v2/assets/assetID/labels".

Using the HTML5 Uploader

On page load, create a new instance of the OoyalaUploader. When a file input change event is called, invoke the uploadFile method with the desired options hash. The following is a stripped-down version of the SampleDriver class in

window.SampleDriver = (function() {
  function SampleDriver() {}

  SampleDriver.init = function() {
    return SampleDriver.ooyalaUploader = new OoyalaUploader({
      uploadComplete: SampleDriver.uploadComplete,
      uploaderType: "HTML5"

  SampleDriver.handleFileSelect = function(event) {
    var file, options;
    file =[0];
    options = {
      name: "Sample Name",
      labels: ["/label1"]
    return SampleDriver.ooyalaUploader.uploadFile(file, options);

  SampleDriver.uploadComplete = function(assetID) {
    return console.log("" + assetID + " Upload Completed");

  return SampleDriver;


Using the Flash Uploader

For browsers without the File API, the swfUpload flash file should be embedded on the page. The swfUpload documentation shows the different ways the flash button can be styled.

OoyalaUploader must only be initialized after the swfUpload file has been loaded. The following is a stripped-down version of the SampleDriver class in

window.SampleDriver = (function() {
  function SampleDriver() {}

  SampleDriver.init = function() {
    return SampleDriver.ooyalaUploader = new OoyalaUploader({
      uploadComplete: SampleDriver.uploadComplete,
      uploaderType: "Flash",
      swfUploader: SampleDriver.swfUploader

  SampleDriver.initSWFUploader = function() {
    var settingsObject;
    settingsObject = {
      file_queue_limit: 1,
      file_upload_limit: 1,
      file_dialog_complete_handler: SampleDriver.handleFlashFileSelect,
      flash_url: "http://localhost:7081/swfupload.swf",
      button_placeholder_id: "flashInputButton",
      button_image_url: "BrowseButton.png",
      button_height: 22,
      button_width: 61
    return SampleDriver.swfUploader = new SWFUpload(settingsObject);

  SampleDriver.handleFlashFileSelect = function(numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued, numFilesInQueue) {
    var options;
    options = {
      name: "Sample Name",
      labels: ["/label1"]
    return SampleDriver.ooyalaUploader.uploadFileUsingFlash(options);

  SampleDriver.uploadComplete = function(assetID) {
    return console.log("" + assetID + ": Upload Completed");

  return SampleDriver;


Getting Started

Sample Implementation

The ruby_backend_server in the examples directory has a sample implementation of the library in Ruby. To run the server,

$ bundle install
$ API_KEY="YourAPIKey" SECRET="YourSecret" V2_API_URL="" bin/
$ Point your browser to http://localhost:7081/

API Dummy Server

The examples directory contains a dummy server that simulates a basic version of the Ooyala V2 APIs for testing. To run the server,

$ bundle install
$ bin/


Create and upload movies to Backlot through JavaScript


Language:JavaScript 69.7%Language:Ruby 27.1%Language:CoffeeScript 2.9%Language:Shell 0.4%