ApplETS / ETSMobile-Register-SNS-Function

Create or update endpoint in aws sns from request coming from ÉTSMobile.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS SNS register device function

A simple Firebase function to register mobile phone devices to AWS SNS. Act as a proxy between phone and AWS SNS to prevent storing keys inside the application directly.


  • Node.js ^16.x
  • AWS account
  • Firebase project
  • Firebase CLI npm install -g firebase-tools


First, copy the environment variables template file and fill in the values.

cp .env.example .env

Then, install the dependencies.

npm install


If you are deploying for the first time, you need to login to Firebase first.

firebase login

Then, deploy the function and enjoy 😄

firebase deploy


To test simply launch the function locally using the firebase tools.

firebase emulators:start


Create or update endpoint in aws sns from request coming from ÉTSMobile.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%