AppertaFoundation / FOSS-User-app

This is the second phase repo for creating your own medical app for providing access to information. Make the WebApp first FOSS-Medical-Web-App to upload the data and then use this repo to create the app to access it. Built originally to help Junior Doctors get mobile access to induction information eg protocols, phone numbers, emergency procedures, it is possible to use it generically.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This README documents the basis of this repo and how to use it to set up a free Universal Web App UMA to access the data Please ensure that you have gone through the setup of the Web App first (some things will be assumed) UMA web app


Local set up - should already be set up from web app

  • Git Git website
  • NodeJS (v8) with npm Node website
  • Ionic ($ npm install -g ionic)
  • Firebase tools ($ npm install -g firebase-tools)


What is this repository for? Set up your own version of the Universal Medical App UMA


You have been invited to use this repo

It is licensed under an AGPL 3.0 license

How do I get set up?

Clone the repo --Optional - only if you used GIT in when setting up the WebAPP

Clone this repo using this command in a new directory (where you wish to store the project)- run the following: git clone

If you aren't using GIT.....

As for the Web App, go to the website and click the Clone or download button then Download ZIP and extract it to a known folder.

In the terminal cd into the project folder and run

`npm install`

It should take a bit of time and install lots of stuff


The only folder you should have to alter is the Assets folder

Open the file dbdetails.ts and delete everything between the word export and the words export const dbDetails

Change the address of the firebase DB: Go to this page Firebase web set up Set up a new app with an address for the users You are going to use the Hosting option for this app, not the database

Follow the instructions on how to Add Firebase To your App

  • Choose a name
  • Edit the project ID (choose one that represents your organisation and is easy to remember)
  • Select the country ID
  • You may wish to uncheck the box stating
Use the default settings for sharing Google Analytics for Firebase data
  • Click Continue
  • Click Create Project
  • When ready click Continue

Get your database "Snippet"

Go back to your Web APP

  • Copy all of dbdetails.ts

  • In this app (the user app) delete the contents of dbdetails.ts (in assets folder)

  • Paste the dbdetails.ts contents from your Web App (they should be the same config and dbDetails objects)

    Save the file


    • Change the picture - replace picture.jpg with your own picture (make sure you have permission to use it), giving it the same name
    • Replace the files in the icon and img folders with your own images keep the same names
    • got to the manifest.json and change the name and shortname (only change the bit after the colon in the quotes) to the name you want to appear on your HomeScreen when you install it

    Try it out

    In you command line/ terminal

    • Make sure you're in the project folder -run the following command
   ionic serve

which should spin up a local server for testing

When you are ready to upload:

in the root directory (may still be foss-web-app if cloned) firebase login

  • enter your details (choose whether you want to allow firebase to do anonymous loggin)
  • choose the app that you wish to hold your user app (the address you're giving out)

firebase init

Using the arrow keys and space bar, select hosting so it has an asterisk next to it then press enter

Select your project that you set up earlier. When it asks for the public directory type www

It will ask if you

? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? -select YES

It will ask you

? File www/index.html already exists. Overwrite? - select NO

You then need to deploy your app. Run the following command npm run deploy And it will build and upload your file and you should be able to access it via the web address (it will show you this when completed).

Contribution guidelines

*contact me (see below) if you wish to contribute

Who do I talk to? repo owned by Shane Lester contact


This is the second phase repo for creating your own medical app for providing access to information. Make the WebApp first FOSS-Medical-Web-App to upload the data and then use this repo to create the app to access it. Built originally to help Junior Doctors get mobile access to induction information eg protocols, phone numbers, emergency procedures, it is possible to use it generically.


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