nrf52832 nrf52810 ble keyboard firmware
Learm more about hardware design and engineering.
Implement a full featured powerful and extendable BLE keyboard firmware.
Write it at from beginning and add features for every version continuously.
v0.1 This version contains is the source code for a sample application using the HID, Battery and Device
- Information Services for implementing a simple keyboard functionality.
- Pressing Button 0 will send text 'hello' to the connected peer. On receiving output report,
- it toggles the state of LED 2 on the mother board based on whether or not Caps Lock is on.
- This application uses the @ref app_scheduler. v0.5 add tmk_core lib and finish basic feature.
使用NRF52832、52810 蓝牙5.0 键盘主控固件
从0开始开发一块蓝牙键盘固件 会在b站同步更新开发视频,功能演进 每个版本增加一些功能~
v0.1 文件结构化、用nordic实例项目用作初始化 v0.5 移植tmk键盘控制逻辑