Apen / Yasc

This PHP library allow you to crawl a website and return all links. It supports resuming and you can also index data from HTML to a solr core (see configuration).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This PHP script allow you to crawl and return all pages of a website. You can also index data from HTML to a solr core (see configuration).


  • PHP 5.3>
  • PHP curl installled
  • java installed (if you want to use Tika)


  • Download and copy files in a special directory. You must execute the script from the root of Yasc
  • Create a json configuration file of use one form the "Examples" directory (with your URL to crawl)
  • Execute the script
php Yasc.php "Examples/config-all.json"


php Yasc.php  --config="Examples/config-all.json"
  • Enjoy


In "Examples" directory, you have 2 different configuration file:

All the parameters are explicit but here is an explanation.

Note: the crawler support a resume system to continue crawling. If you want to flush the history add "--flush" in the command line


URL to start with

"startUrl": "http://www.yoursite.com/"


number of link depth to follow

"depth": "0"


default host to complete relative link (if needed)

"defaultHost": "www.yoursite.com"

urlFilters / allow

array of regexp to validate the url

"urlFilters": {
    "allow": [

urlFilters / disallow

array of regexp to invalidate the url

"urlFilters": {
    "disallow": [

request / timeout

timeout of the page recuperation

"request": {
    "timeout": 5

request / useragent

useragent of the page recuperation

"request": {
    "useragent": "Site-ngo Yasc parser"

request / sleep

sleeping time in seconds between request

"request": {
    "sleep": 5

request / headers

list of headers params to send

"headers": [
	"xxxk: 1",
	"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate",
	"Pragma: no-cache, must-revalidate"


array of regexp string to match on each crawled pages. The result will be saved in a match.txt file

"match": [
    "Opens external link in new window",

solr server

configuration of the solr server

"solr": {
        "host": "xxxxxxx",
        "port": "8080",
        "path": "/xxx/xxx/"

solr / javaPath

path to the java bin

"javaPath": "java"

solr / tikaPath

path to the tika jar

"tikaPath": "Plugins/Solr/Tika/tika-app-1.4.jar",

solr / mapping / regexp

regexp mapping Examples:

"solrField": "title",
"pregMatch": "<title[^>]*>(.*?)</title>",
"pregReplace": [
        "from": "from",
        "to": "to"
"solrField": "titredeux_stringM",
"pregMatchAll": "<h2[^>]*>(.*?)</h2>",
"pregReplace": [
        "from": "<.*?>",
        "to": ""
        "from": "\\s+",
        "to": " "
"implode": " ; "
"solrField": "keywords",
"pregMatch": "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"(.*?)\"",
"explode": ","
"solrField": "content",
"pregMatch": "<!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin-->(.*?)<!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->",
"pregReplace": [
        "from": "<.*?>",
        "to": ""
        "from": "\\s+",
        "to": " "

solr / mapping / static

static mapping (values passed to the config file)

    "solrField": "type",
    "solrValue": "pages"
    "solrField": "appKey",
    "solrValue": "yasc"

solr / mapping / special

special value compiled by Yasc (URL, URL_RELATIVE, HOST, TITLE, CONTENT)

    "solrField": "id",
    "crawlerField": "URL"
    "solrField": "host",
    "crawlerField": "HOST"
    "solrField": "url",
    "crawlerField": "URL_RELATIVE"

solr / mappingTika / static

static mapping (values passed to the config file)

    "solrField": "type",
    "solrValue": "file"
    "solrField": "appKey",
    "solrValue": "yasc"

solr / mappingTika / special

special value compiled by Yasc (URL, URL_RELATIVE, HOST, TITLE, CONTENT)

    "solrField": "id",
    "crawlerField": "URL"
    "solrField": "host",
    "crawlerField": "HOST"
    "solrField": "url",
    "crawlerField": "URL"
    "solrField": "title",
    "crawlerField": "TITLE"
    "solrField": "content",
    "crawlerField": "CONTENT"

Example of execution

Solr service responding [xxx:8080/xxx/]
Depth : 1
Links to crawl : 1
Current memory : 1.53kb
Current URL : http://www.yoursite.com/
Response : content_type=text/html;charset=utf-8 / http_code=200 / parsed=0.43s
Solr : sending doc [TYPO3|Site Internet|Blog - Agence Web Site'nGo.fr]
Solr response : 200 OK / parsed=4ms
Depth : 0
Links to crawl : 14
Current memory : 1.56kb
Current URL : http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/lequipe/
Response : content_type=text/html;charset=utf-8 / http_code=200 / parsed=0.47s
Solr : sending doc [L'équipe - Site'nGo.fr]
Solr response : 200 OK / parsed=4ms
Depth : 0
Links to crawl : 13
Current memory : 1.56kb
Current URL : http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/lequipe/yohann-cerdan/
Response : content_type=text/html;charset=utf-8 / http_code=200 / parsed=0.47s
Solr : sending doc [Yohann CERDAN - Site'nGo.fr]
Solr response : 200 OK / parsed=4ms
Depth : 0
Links to crawl : 12
Current memory : 1.56kb
Current URL : http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/lequipe/thomas-leroy/
Response : content_type=text/html;charset=utf-8 / http_code=200 / parsed=0.44s
Solr : sending doc [Thomas LEROY - Site'nGo.fr]
Solr response : 200 OK / parsed=4ms
Links parsed
    [0] => http://www.yoursite.com/
    [1] => http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/lequipe/
    [2] => http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/lequipe/thomas-leroy/
    [3] => http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/lequipe/yohann-cerdan/
    [4] => http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/nos-developpements/
    [5] => http://www.yoursite.com/a-propos/nos-valeurs/
    [6] => http://www.yoursite.com/contact/
    [7] => http://www.yoursite.com/les-actualites/article/apache-solr-sitengo-persiste-et-signe/
    [8] => http://www.yoursite.com/les-actualites/article/sitengo-premiere-entreprise-francaise-psl-typo3/
    [9] => http://www.yoursite.com/les-actualites/article/t3uni12-luniversite-dete-typo3-2012/
    [10] => http://www.yoursite.com/nos-solutions/blog/wordpress/
    [11] => http://www.yoursite.com/nos-solutions/expertise/
    [12] => http://www.yoursite.com/nos-solutions/gestion-de-contenu/typo3/
    [13] => http://www.yoursite.com/references/
    [14] => http://www.yoursite.com/rss.xml
Parsed in 25.74s


This PHP library allow you to crawl a website and return all links. It supports resuming and you can also index data from HTML to a solr core (see configuration).


Language:PHP 100.0%