Anzo52 / crawlic-ng

web recon tool based on Ganapati/Crawlic

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web recon tool (find temporary files, parse robots.txt, search folders, google dorks and search domains hosted on same server)

Automatic GIT/SVN clone (using dvcs-ripper) if .git or .svn folder if found.

Usage :

start scan :

./ -u http://site.tld/ -t rtf

-t : techniques to use for scanning (default rtfgd):

  • r : robots.txt
  • t : temporary files (~, .bak, etc)
  • f : folders
  • g : google dorks
  • d : reverse dns search (via bing)

Output :

[*] Starting robots.txt search on http://site.tld
   [!]  /hidden_file.php
[*] Starting folder search on http://site.tld
   [!] http://site.tld/admin/
   [!] http://site.tld/private/
[*] Starting temp file search on http://site.tld
   [!] http://site.tld/index.php~
[*] Crawling finished

Configuration :

Change user-agent :

Edit user_agent.lst, one user agent per line

Change folders to find :

Edit folders.lst, one directory per line

Change files to scan :

Edit extensions.lst, one file extension per line

Change dorks list :

Edit dorks.lst, one dork per line

Change google dorks list :

Edit google_dorks, one dork per line, use %s as target url

Requirements :


"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): Ganapati wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.


web recon tool based on Ganapati/Crawlic



Language:Python 100.0%