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simple list of deadly linux commands

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💣 Suicide Linux

Simple list of deadly linux commands. All the Linux that nobody will teach you, but that you will experience in first person. At least one time in your life.

by Daniele Olmisani, 2017

Some of these commands need administration rights (e.g. sudo ...) to be executed, some Linux distributions enforce specific protection mechanisms. So it is not so simple to destroy your Linux machine, but pay attention in any case.

⚠️ Warning!! ⚠️

Most of the commands in this tutorial are really dangerous!!! DO NOT use these commands on a real system if you have no idea of what you are going to do.


1️⃣ Wipeout!

rm -fR /

With this command you asking to delete every files in your disk. Your only hope is that some security control will denied you to do something so silly.

2️⃣ Fork Bomb

:(){ :|: & };:

Elegant and deadly as a dark-lady. This short shell script replicates itself until all the processing capabilities of your computer will be occupied. Shutdown and restart seems to be the only solution.

More simple, but same effects:

perl -e 'fork while true;'

3️⃣ Tabula rasa

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

Do you remember FORMAT C: of the old DOS? this have the same result.

4️⃣ Right Time, but Wrong Place

date > /dev/sda

Redirecting will write raw bytes on your disk partition. What can never will be? nothing good! surely.

5️⃣ Collecting Junk is a Dirty Job

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda

6️⃣ Have to start again

mv ~ /dev/null

This command will move all your personal data in the Linux equivalent of a Black Hole.

7️⃣ Danger from the Outside

wget -O – | sh –

8️⃣ No More Busy

find / -name busybox -exec rm -f {} \;

9️⃣ Kernel, Don't Panic

cat /dev/port

The simplest way to freeze your system.

📝 Lessons Learned

  • execute commands with root privileges only if it is strictly necessary
  • beware from rm -r commands
  • never handle partions handles (such as /dev/sda1)
  • never execute untrusted content
  • there should be a good reason if your administrator password is requested

📚 References


simple list of deadly linux commands