AnyumbaKE / AirBnB_clone_v4

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0x06. AirBnB clone - Web dynamic

Python Front-end JavaScript
By: Guillaume, CTO at Holberton School Weight: 2 Project to be done in teams of 2 people (your team: Stanley Anyumba, Margaret Wangechi) Project over - took place from Feb 8, 2024 6:00 AM to Feb 12, 2024 6:00 AM Manual QA review was done by David Owolagba on Feb 12, 2024 1:37 AM An auto review will be launched at the deadline

Concepts For this project, we expect you to look at this concept:

AirBnB clone Resources Read or watch:

Selector Get and set content Manipulate CSS classes Manipulate DOM elements Document ready Introduction GET & POST request HTTP access control (CORS) Learning Objectives At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

General How cool it is to request your own API How to modify an HTML element style How to get and update an HTML element content How to modify the DOM How to make a GET request with JQuery Ajax How to make a POST request with JQuery Ajax How to listen/bind to DOM events How to listen/bind to user events Copyright - Plagiarism You are tasked to come up with solutions for the tasks below yourself to meet with the above learning objectives. You will not be able to meet the objectives of this or any following project by copying and pasting someone else’s work. You are not allowed to publish any content of this project. Any form of plagiarism is strictly forbidden and will result in removal from the program. Requirements General Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs All your files will be interpreted on Chrome (version 57.0) All your files should end with a new line A file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory Your code should be semistandard compliant with the flag --global $: semistandard *.js --global $ All your JavaScript must be in the folder scripts You must use JQuery version 3.x You are not allowed to use var HTML should not reload for each action: DOM manipulation, update values, fetch data… GitHub There should be one project repository per group. If you clone/fork/whatever a project repository with the same name before the second deadline, you risk a 0% score.

More Info Import JQuery

<script src=""></script> Before starting the project… You will work on a codebase using Flasgger, you will need to install it locally first before starting the RestAPI:

$ sudo apt-get install -y python3-lxml $ sudo pip3 install flask_cors # if it was not installed yet $ sudo pip3 install flasgger If the RestAPI is not starting, please read the error message. Based on the(ses) error message(s), you will have to troubleshoot potential dependencies issues.

Here some solutions:

jsonschema exception $ sudo pip3 uninstall -y jsonschema $ sudo pip3 install jsonschema==3.0.1 No module named 'pathlib2' $ sudo pip3 install pathlib2 Expose ports from your Vagrant In your Vagrantfile, add this line for each port forwarded

I expose the port 5001 of my vm to the port 5001 on my computer :forwarded_port, guest: 5001, host: 5001 if you need to expose other ports, same line but you will need to replace the “guest port” (inside your vagrant) and your “host port” (outside your vagrant, used from your browser for example)

It’s important in your project, to use the AirBnB API with the port 5001


0. Last clone!

mandatory Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) A new codebase again? Yes!

For this project you will fork this codebase:

Update the repository name to AirBnB_clone_v4 Update the Add yourself as an author of the project Add new information about your new contribution Make it better! If you’re the owner of this codebase, create a new repository called AirBnB_clone_v4 and copy over all files from AirBnB_clone_v3 If you didn’t install Flasgger from the previous project, it’s time! sudo pip3 install flasgger Repo:

  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4
  1. Cash only mandatory Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) Write a script that starts a Flask web application:

Based on web_flask, copy: web_flask/static, web_flask/templates/100-hbnb.html, web_flask/ and web_flask/ into the web_dynamic folder Rename to Rename 100-hbnb.html to 0-hbnb.html Update to replace the existing route to /0-hbnb/ If 100-hbnb.html is not present, use 8-hbnb.html instead

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v4$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db python3 -m web_dynamic.0-hbnb

  • Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) .... One problem now is the asset caching done by Flask.

To avoid that, you will add a query string to each asset:

In, add a variable cache_id to the render_template. The value of this variable must be an UUID (uuid.uuid4())

In 0-hbnb.html, add this variable cache_id as query string to each tag URL

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v4$ curl -s -XGET | head -6

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v4$ curl -s -XGET | head -6 guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v4$ Repo:

GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4 Directory: web_dynamic File:, templates/0-hbnb.html

  1. Select some Amenities to be comfortable! mandatory Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) For the moment the filters section is static, let’s make it dynamic!

Replace the route 0-hbnb with 1-hbnb in the file (based on

Create a new template 1-hbnb.html (based on 0-hbnb.html) and update it:

Import JQuery in the tag Import the JavaScript static/scripts/1-hbnb.js in the tag In 1-hbnb.html and the following HTML files, add this variable cache_id as query string to the above <script> tag Add a tag to the li tag of each amenity The new checkbox must be at 10px on the left of the Amenity name Add to the input tags of each amenity (

  • tag) the attribute data-id=":amenity_id" => this will allow us to retrieve the Amenity ID from the DOM Add to the input tags of each amenity (
  • tag) the attribute data-name=":amenity_name" => this will allow us to retrieve the Amenity name from the DOM Write a JavaScript script (static/scripts/1-hbnb.js):

    Your script must be executed only when DOM is loaded You must use JQuery Listen for changes on each input checkbox tag: if the checkbox is checked, you must store the Amenity ID in a variable (dictionary or list) if the checkbox is unchecked, you must remove the Amenity ID from the variable update the h4 tag inside the div Amenities with the list of Amenities checked As example:


    GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4 Directory: web_dynamic File:, templates/1-hbnb.html, static/scripts/1-hbnb.js

    1. API status mandatory Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) Before requesting the HBNB API, it’s better to know the status of this one.

    Update the API entry point (api/v1/ by replacing the current CORS CORS(app, origins="") by CORS(app, resources={r"/api/v1/": {"origins": ""}}).

    Change the route 1-hbnb to 2-hbnb in the file (based on

    Create a new template 2-hbnb.html (based on 1-hbnb.html) and update it:

    Import the JavaScript static/scripts/2-hbnb.js in the tag (instead of 1-hbnb.js) Add a new div element in the header tag: Attribute ID should be api_status Align to the right Circle of 40px diameter Center vertically At 30px of the right border Background color #cccccc Also add a class available for this new element in web_dynamic/static/styles/3-header.css: Background color #ff545f Write a JavaScript script (static/scripts/2-hbnb.js):

    Based on 1-hbnb.js Request If in the status is “OK”, add the class available to the div#api_status Otherwise, remove the class available to the div#api_status To start the API in the port 5001:

    guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB_v4$ HBNB_MYSQL_USER=hbnb_dev HBNB_MYSQL_PWD=hbnb_dev_pwd HBNB_MYSQL_HOST=localhost HBNB_MYSQL_DB=hbnb_dev_db HBNB_TYPE_STORAGE=db HBNB_API_PORT=5001 python3 -m ... For example:


    GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4 File: api/v1/, web_dynamic/, web_dynamic/templates/2-hbnb.html, web_dynamic/static/styles/3-header.css, web_dynamic/static/scripts/2-hbnb.js

    1. Fetch places mandatory Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) Replace the route 2-hbnb with 3-hbnb in the file (based on

    Create a new template 3-hbnb.html (based on 2-hbnb.html) and update it:

    Import the JavaScript static/scripts/3-hbnb.js in the tag (instead of 2-hbnb.js) Remove the entire Jinja section of displaying all places (all article tags) Write a JavaScript script (static/scripts/3-hbnb.js):

    Based on 2-hbnb.js Request Description of this endpoint here. If this endpoint is not available, you will have to add it to the API (you can work all together for creating this endpoint) Send a POST request with Content-Type: application/json and an empty dictionary in the body - cURL version: curl "" -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' Loop into the result of the request and create an article tag representing a Place in the section.places. (you can remove the Owner tag in the place description) The final result must be the same as previously, but now, places are loaded from the front-end, not from the back-end!


    GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4 File: web_dynamic/, web_dynamic/templates/3-hbnb.html, web_dynamic/static/scripts/3-hbnb.js

    1. Filter places by Amenity mandatory Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) Replace the route 3-hbnb with 4-hbnb in the file (based on

    Create a new template 4-hbnb.html (based on 3-hbnb.html) and update it:

    Import the JavaScript static/scripts/4-hbnb.js in the tag (instead of 3-hbnb.js) Write a JavaScript script (static/scripts/4-hbnb.js):

    Based on 3-hbnb.js When the button tag is clicked, a new POST request to places_search should be made with the list of Amenities checked Now you have the first filter implemented, enjoy!


    GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4 File: web_dynamic/, web_dynamic/templates/4-hbnb.html, web_dynamic/static/scripts/4-hbnb.js

    1. States and Cities #advanced Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) Now, reproduce the same steps with the State and City filter:

    Replace the route 4-hbnb to 100-hbnb in the file (based on

    Create a new template 100-hbnb.html (based on 4-hbnb.html) and update it:

    Import the JavaScript static/scripts/100-hbnb.js in the tag (instead of 4-hbnb.js) Add to all li tags of each state a new tag: Add to all li tags of each cities a new tag: The new checkbox must be at 10px on the left of the State or City name Add to all input tags of each states (

  • tag) the attribute data-id=":state_id" Add to all input tags of each states (
  • tag) the attribute data-name=":state_name" Add to all input tags of each cities (
  • tag) the attribute data-id=":city_id" Add to all input tags of each cities (
  • tag) the attribute data-name=":city_name" Write a JavaScript script (static/scripts/100-hbnb.js):

    Based on 4-hbnb.js Listen to changes on each input checkbox tag: if the checkbox is checked, you must store the State or City ID in a variable (dictionary or list) if the checkbox is unchecked, you must remove the State or City ID from the variable update the h4 tag inside the div Locations with the list of States or Cities checked When the button tag is clicked, a new POST request to places_search should be made with the list of Amenities, Cities and States checked Repo:

    GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4 File: web_dynamic/, web_dynamic/templates/100-hbnb.html, web_dynamic/static/scripts/100-hbnb.js

    1. Reviews #advanced Score: 100.0% (Checks completed: 100.0%) Let’s add a new feature: show and hide reviews!

    Replace the route 100-hbnb to 101-hbnb in the file (based on

    Create a new template 101-hbnb.html (based on 100-hbnb.html) and update it:

    Import the JavaScript static/scripts/101-hbnb.js in the tag (instead of 101-hbnb.js) Design the list of reviews from this task Add a span element at the right of the H2 “Reviews” with value “show” (add all necessary attributes to do this feature) Write a JavaScript script (static/scripts/101-hbnb.js):

    Based on 100-hbnb.js When the span next to the Reviews h2 is clicked by the user: Fetch, parse, display reviews and change the text to “hide” If the text is “hide”: remove all Review elements from the DOM This button should work like a toggle to fetch/display and hide reviews Repo:

    • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone_v4
    • File: web_dynamic/, web_dynamic/templates/101-hbnb.html, web_dynamic/static/scripts/101-hbnb.js
  • About


    Language:Python 50.4%Language:HTML 30.8%Language:CSS 13.2%Language:JavaScript 5.3%Language:Shell 0.2%