Any28Flo / magicLogBack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

magiLog Back

author : Erika F.

status :

last update: 19 - aug- 2023

System Requirements

All of these must be available in your PATH. To verify things are set up properly, you can run this:

git --version
node --version
npm --version

If you have trouble with any of these, learn more about the PATH environment variable and how to fix it here for [windows][win-path] or [mac/linux][mac-path].


  • main : The deploy branch
  • develop : The develop branch


Hosted on


After you've made sure to have the correct things (and versions) installed, you should be able to just run a few commands to get set up:

cd magicLogFront
npm run install

Prepare environment variables

For sensitive information, which we don't want them checked into git, we inject these configurations to the application as environment variables (even for local environment). Note: we'll likely improve this process in the future.

There's a script that will help you set up the correct environment variables.

  1. Copy .env-example file and rename into .env file. The file .env is included in .gitignore so the sensitive will not be checked in.

    $ cp .env-example .env
  2. Get the actual values and paste them in .env. (ask for this file if it's your first time setting this up)

    The env file is not a shell execution script, but a shell configuration file. Running the command source loads into your current shell session with the appropriate environment variables instead of forking another shell session. Once you have this set, launch your IDE or text editor from the shell where the environment variables are set.

Running the app in dev

To get the app up and running (and really see if it worked), run: Only for development purposes

npm start:dev

Transpile to typescript

To get the transpiled files run:

npm run tsx

Running the app in production

To get the app up and running in production :

npm run tsx
npm run start



Language:TypeScript 100.0%