AntreasAntoniou / hephie

Hephie -- from Hephaestus -- is an AI assistant designed by a software engineer for other software engineers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hephie - The Intuitive Coding Companion

Hephie -- from Hephaestus the forger of the greek gods -- is an AI assistant designed by a software engineer for other software engineers

Welcome to Hephie, your AI-powered partner designed to make coding more efficient, intuitive, and enjoyable. Engineered with a deep understanding of developer workflows, Hephie leverages GPT-4 to enhance code quality and speed up the development process.

Core Principles

  • Simplicity: Create tools that are user-friendly and reduce complexity.
  • Efficiency: Drive productivity through automation and intelligent assistance.
  • Continual Improvement: Commit to regular updates and adapt to emerging technologies and user feedback.
  • Community-Centric: Develop with the community's needs and contributions at the forefront.

Key Features

  • Customized VS Code integration for real-time code assistance.
  • Terminal application for streamlined CLI workflows.
  • Automated issue reporting to simplify error tracking and feedback.
  • Enhanced code readability with smart documentation and refactoring suggestions.

Getting Started

Clone the repository and follow the setup instructions provided in For a full list of features and how to use them, refer to the


Detailed information on how Hephie works, development guidelines, and contribution processes can be found in the following documents:

  • - Technical blueprint of the system
  • - Guidelines for setting up and contributing to codebase
  • - Instructions for issue reporting and pull requests
  • - The planned development path and milestones for Hephie

Project Roadmap

Please refer to for a comprehensive timeline, current development status, and future development plans.


If you’d like to contribute to Hephie, thank you! Take a look at for guidelines on how to participate in making Hephie better.


Hephie is open-source and licensed under the MIT License. Details can be found in the

Thank you for your interest in Hephie — here's to building the future of coding together!


Hephie -- from Hephaestus -- is an AI assistant designed by a software engineer for other software engineers

License:MIT License