AntonTymczenko / Tomatello

your everyday assistant

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your everyday assistant


A cross of Trello boards, time tracking app and your daily habits tracker. Share your business tasks with colleagues, track your daily routines or new habits.

Developers are welcome! Our mission is to make a time/task tracking application which would be useful for every human being in the Galaxy, especially for people who work in a team.

Current production version is here

Public Trello scrum board is here


Anton Tymczenko. Full-stack web-developer from Ukraine. Contact e-mail.


Configuration for local use

You can specify your own PORT, URL, path to Mongo database and other configuration stuff using .env file in project's root folder (where the package.json is).

Attention! YOU NEED THIS FILE for local use in development mode. Example of .env file:


Configuration for production

In production you can specify configurations not in this file but accordingly to your provider.

For Heroku use these commands:

heroku apps:create tomatello
heroku config:set MONGODB_URI="mongodb://<username>:<password>@<id><port>/<dbname>"
heroku config:set JWT_SECRET="secret"
git push heroku master

Fill all the fields in MONGODB_URI constant accordingly to your database at Mlab.


npm install to install all dependencies.

npm run seed to populate database with some dummy data.

npm run dev to start application locally with Client and Server side in one prompt.

Use npm run dev:client and npm run dev:server commands to start Client and Server in separate prompts.

npm run build to build static Client-side files.

npm run build --report to build for production and view the bundle analyzer report.

npm run start to start Server just like in production. But you'll have to specify NODE_ENV=production in your .env file. To use this command, you have to run build script first.

npm run unit run unit tests

npm run e2e run e2e tests

npm test run all tests


Backlog: list of tasks and user stories / epics. All items of Backlog are placed not in order of priority, but categorized by some app feature or logical part of a developing process.

Next: list of prioritized stories which should be done in next Sprint. Most important ones are at the top of the list, less important go below.

In Progress: list of tasks for current Sprint

Code review: list of committed and pushed code. Separators with names of branches should be used.

Done: list of all done tasks/stories


Milestones at GitHub and are named in format v.0.3.1 and their due dates are set accordingly to the dates listed below.

9 Feb 2018 – fork from Chingu-Voyage-3/geckos-17. Basic to-do list functionality.

5 Mar 2018 – version 0.3.1 release. Secured API.


your everyday assistant


Language:JavaScript 68.9%Language:Vue 29.4%Language:HTML 1.7%