AntonBelousov / UserDefaultPropertyWrapper

A lightweight library that allows you to use ANY type with UserDefaults

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



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pod 'UserDefaultPropertyWrapper', :git => ''

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  • You can use wrapper with base types: Bool, Int, Double, Float, String, Date, Data. You can use Array of any mentioned type (array of arrays as well), and Dictionary, where Key == String and Value == any mentioned type

  • Type may be optional

  • You can use custom types, just make your type conform to the UserDefaultsConvertible protocol.

  • Some types has predefined default values: false to Bool, 0 for Int, Float, Double, nil for Optional, empty collection for Array and Dictionary. You can specify default values for other types (see UserDefaultsConvertibleWithDefaultValue)


  • Add model version update handling


import UserDefaultPropertyWrapper

class Settings {
    static let shared = Settings()
    var boolValue: Bool

    @UserDefault("boolValueWithDefaultValue", defaultValue: true)
    var boolValueWithDefaultValue: Bool
    var intValue: Int

    @UserDefault("intValueWithDefaultValue", defaultValue: 451)
    var intValueWithDefaultValue: Int
    var doubleValue: Double
    var floatValue: Float
    @UserDefault("stringValue", defaultValue: "")
    var stringValue: String
    var optionalStringValue: String?
    @UserDefault("dateValue", defaultValue: .distantFuture)
    var dateValue: Date
    var optionalDataValue: Data?
    @UserDefault("array", defaultValue: [1,9,6,1])
    var array: [Int]
    var arrayOfArray: [[Int]]
    var dict: [String: Int]

// Than use these properties as usual 

Settings.shared.optionalStringValue = "Some value"

Settings.shared.optionalStringValue = nil

Custom types

You can make any type conform to the UserDefaultsConvertible protocol

enum Activity: UserDefaultsConvertible {
    var userDefaultsValue: Any {
        switch self {
        case .reading(let book):
            return "r\(book)"
        case .watching(let movie):
            return "w\(movie)"
    static func create(from userDefaultsValue: Any) -> Activity {
        var value = userDefaultsValue as! String
        if value.hasPrefix("r") {
            return .reading(book: value)
        } else if value.hasPrefix("w") {
            return .watching(movie: value)
    case watching(movie: String)
    case reading(book: String)

class ActivityStorage {
    @UserDefault("activity", defaultValue: nil)
    var activity: Activity?

ActivityStorage().activity = .reading(book: "Hearts of Three")
print(ActivityStorage().activity ?? "nil")

Using Codable

If your type conforms to the Codable protocol, you can easily make if conform UserDefaultsConvertible. Just add UserDefaultsConvertible after type name and it will became convertible automatically:

struct User: Codable, UserDefaultsConvertible {
    var firstname: String
    var lastname: String
    var birthdate: Date
    var address: String

Custom user defaults

Note. You can use UserDefauls to share data between your application and app extension see

struct User: Codable, UserDefaultsConvertible {
    var firstname: String
    var lastname: String
    var birthdate: Date
    var address: String

class UsersSource {
    static let defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "")!
    @UserDefault("users", defaultValue:[], defaults: UsersSource.defaults)
    var users: [User]

func someMethodInApp() {

    let user = User(
        firstname: "Artur",
        lastname: "Fleck",
        birthdate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: -729345600),
        address: "Arkham Asylum, Gotham County, New Jersey, United States of America")
    var source = UsersSource()

func someMethodInExtension() {
    source = UsersSource()


A lightweight library that allows you to use ANY type with UserDefaults

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 94.7%Language:Ruby 5.3%