Antnee / acmewidgetco

Example code written as part of a small challenge

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Acme Widget Co Build Status

What is this?

This is some example code that I've been asked to write as a small challenge.

The code supports a basket for ordering widgets from the Acme Widget Co.

The basket is instantiated with the product catalog (WidgetRepository), the delivery rules (DeliveryRuleClient) and an Offer.

For the Widget support, you will find the Widget object itself, the WidgetCatalog.json file which holds a file-system based catalog, a WidgetCollection for handling more than one Widget, the WidgetFsProvider which fetches this raw data and returns a collection of StdClass objects, the WidgetProvider interface (which is implemented by WidgetFsProvider) and the WidgetRepository which would provide full CRUD methods, and is passed into the basket as described above.

The DeliveryRule part of the application supports a runtime configurable chain of rules that will return as soon as the first rule is met. These rules support only the basket items pricing at the moment (could be extended to support widget weight etc). The basket price is checked and depending on the rule (ie whether a price range was set, less-than, greater-than, exact-price etc) then the configured price will be returned.

Discounts are supported via the Offer interface. The example given in the challenge is where the customer buys one red widget and gets the second for half price. This is included in the OfferRedWidgetBulk class;

Third party code in use

The collections are an extension of my own Collection library, and currency is handled by Money to avoid rounding and floating point issues often found with handling monetary values. I like the Money library so I bundled it here.


This package depends on Composer. I have included the composer.json and composer.lock files. I have not included the ./vendor directory. As such, you'll need to perform a composer install command from the root directory of this project.


I have targeted PHP 7.2 compatibility. The code may work in PHP 7.0 and 7.1 but this is by chance and not intentional.


Tests are included in ./tests. I am running these locally with the following command:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Coverage Reports

I have tested with PHP 7.2 locally, and have generated code coverage reports via PHPUnit and xDebug. These are provided in the ./coverage directory. The command to do so is:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite all --coverage-html coverage


There are a number of testsuites available if you wish to test only that particular category:

  • _integration: These tests use absolutely zero mocks and will test the entire application as a whole. This includes the example baskets provided with the challenge
  • all: Runs all testsuites. This is the default, so if you don't enter a testsuite then this will run anyway
  • basket: Will run the tests on the Basket, BasketItem and BasketCollection classes
  • deliveryRules: Runs the tests against the DeliveryRule and DeliveryRules classed only
  • offers: Will test the Offer interface
  • widget: Runs the tests for the Widget, WidgetCollection, WidgetFsProvider and WidgetRepository


While writing this, I have made the following assumptions:

  1. All widgets are priced in US$. No other currency is acceptable
  2. While it is possible to add() a negative quantity of widgets to reduce the total in your basket, it is not possible to have the end quantity be negative. Setting a quantity of 0 (either by adding the negative of the actual quantity, or by updating to 0) will do the same thing as calling the remove() method, ie just take that item out of your basket
  3. You can only take advantage of one offer at a time. The first offer that matches is the one that you get. I haven't added any logic to decide which offer is better for the customer or the business
  4. There is no default delivery rule. You MUST specify a rule that meets every possible price, even if that's the DeliveryRule::basketPriceAnything() method. This is to ensure that there are no assumptions made by the code itself
  5. Where offers are applied, prices are rounded normally. I had originally rounded the discount DOWN, so that the end price was at most a cent more expensive than the other way around. However, this decision meant that the test cases that I'd been given failed. Using normal rounding (ie <5 rounds down, >=5 rounds up) fixed this issue. It seems fair to assume that this is the intended behaviour


Example code written as part of a small challenge


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