Anthony-Moss / What-To-Make-Backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


What Is It

This will be a Mongo/Mongoose, Express, Node.js application. It will be a webapplication that you can use to help you decide what to make. You can browse the site not logged in and just find recepies or you can create an account, can make favorites, add recepies and really customize your search options to take all the annoyance and trouble away from deciding what to make to eat.

What It Uses

  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose.JS
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • HTML
  • CSS

Additional Dependancies

  • Bcryptjs - to hash
  • Validator - to validate fields such as email
  • jsonwebtoken - for auth tokens for signed in users
  • Dev - Jest - Used for creating tests
  • Dev - nodemon - used to keep server up
  • env-cmd - environment stuff

MVP(Minimum Viable Product)

  • A user interface to interact with a recepie API
  • A DB to hold users, recepies, and favorites
  • Ability for users to query the API by ingredients, and certain health options
  • Ability for users to create and add new recepies for themselves
  • Ability to suffle through random selections from either the API or favorites list
  • Users can add recepies to their favorites list

Stretch/Future goals

  • Ultimately not rely on a someone elses API, want to create own API - will take time
  • Use React or Vue for the UI, this is less of a stretch and more of a future update most likely will make the first version with just plain HTML/CSS but still to be decided
  • Users can add comments, and pictures to recepies as well as rate them


Anthony Moss []
