Antash / polar

A set of command line tools written in Ruby to interact with Polar watches and decode raw data files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of command line tools written in Ruby to interact with Polar watches and decode raw data files.

  • polar_ftp: access the Polar file system through USB
    • list content on the Polar watch
    • download raw files
    • backup complete content
    • delete files and directories
    • create directories
    • upload files
  • polar_physdata2txt: convert raw polar user physical data to TXT format
  • polar_dailysummary2txt: convert raw polar daily summary to TXT format
  • polar_activitysamples2csv: convert raw polar daily activity samples (activity, steps, metabolic equivalent, sport id and inactivity notifications) to CSV format
  • polar_training2sml: convert raw polar training sessions data files to the Suuntu SML file format
  • polar_training2gpx: convert raw polar training sessions data files to the Garmin GPX file format
  • polar_fitnesstest2txt: displays content of fitness test result and exports to TXT file
  • polar_rrrecord2txt: displays content of RR recording results and exports to TXT file (V800)

Tested with:

  • Polar A370
  • Polar M200
  • Polar M400
  • Polar M430
  • Polar M450
  • Polar V800
  • might also work on other models (A360, Loop...), but this is untested

Tested on Linux (Ubuntu 16.10), macOS (Yosemite) and Windows (10).

Platform specific prerequisites


Install the ruby language (>= 2.1) and dev tools (C compiler & co), if necessary.

To be able to connect to the watch from an unpriviledged user, you may want to add a udev rule to grant all users access to the USB device:

$ sudo cp pkg/99-polar.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules


Install the ruby language (>= 2.1) and dev tools, if necessary:

  • install Xcode from the AppStore and Xcode Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install).
  • install Homebrew package manager
  • run brew install ruby to get the latest version of ruby

To connect to the watch, macOS needs to be told not to attach it's default driver to the USB connection:

$ sudo gem install hidapi
$ pkg/macos_usb

Unplug the watch if already connected, and plug it again.


Install the ruby language (>= 2.1):

  • RubyInstaller. Pick the 32 bits (not x64) version - Ruby 2.3 works fine.

To connect to the watch, you need the libusb-1.0.dll DLL:

  • copy the one provided in pkg\libusb-1.0.dll to C:\Windows\SYSTEM32
  • or download it from (extract the 7-Zip archive, and use the DLL found in MinGW32\dll)

NOTE: use the Windows command line (cmd) to run the Ruby programs included in this project.


C:\Users\...> C:\Ruby23\bin\ruby.exe C:\path\to\this\project\directory\polar_ftp DIR /

C:\Users\...> C:\Ruby23\bin\ruby.exe C:\path\to\this\project\directory\polar_ftp DIR /U/0/

C:\Users\...> C:\Ruby23\bin\ruby.exe C:\path\to\this\project\directory\polar_ftp SYNC

C:\Users\...> C:\Ruby23\bin\ruby.exe C:\path\to\this\project\directory\polar_training2sml C:/Users/.../Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/ /temp/output.sml

C:\Users\...> C:\Ruby23\bin\ruby.exe C:\path\to\this\project\directory\polar_training2gpx C:/Users/.../Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/ /temp/output.gpx

Installation (all platforms)

Install the following Ruby gems:

$ gem install ruby-protocol-buffers
$ gem install varint   # Optional (increases ruby-protocol-buffers performance)
$ gem install libusb   # Required by polar_ftp
$ gem install nokogiri # Required by polar_training2sml and polar_training2gpx

Download this repository and put it's content wherever you want (or use git clone to clone it locally).


List and download raw files from the Polar watch, connected through USB:

$ polar_ftp DIR </path/to/directory>
$ polar_ftp GET </path/to/file> [<output_file>]
$ polar_ftp MKDIR <directory>
$ polar_ftp PUT <source_file> <remote_path>
$ polar_ftp DEL <file>
$ polar_ftp SYNC [</path/to/local/archive>]

# Examples:
$ polar_ftp DIR /
Connected to Polar V800 serial XXXXXXXX
Listing content of '/'
   JOURNAL.DAT          10240
   PRODCONF.TXT            27
   SYSLOG.BPB              18
   MUSCF.BIN               12
   PRODDATA.BIN           152
   USAGECNT.BPB           110
   DEVICE.BPB             120
   SYNCINFO.BPB            79
$ polar_ftp DIR /U/
$ polar_ftp DIR /U/0/
$ polar_ftp DIR /U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/
$ polar_ftp DIR /U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/
$ polar_ftp DIR /U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/
$ polar_ftp DIR /U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/00/

$ polar_ftp GET /U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/00/SAMPLES.GZB
Connected to Polar V800 serial XXXXXXXX
Downloading '/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/00/SAMPLES.GZB' as 'SAMPLES.GZB'

$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>

Convert user physical data to TXT file:

$ polar_physdata2txt <path/to/raw/polar/phys_data> [<output_txt_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_physdata2txt ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/S/ /tmp/physdata.txt
$ polar_physdata2txt ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/PHYSDATA/<snapshot_id>/ /tmp/physdata.txt
$ polar_physdata2txt ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/ /tmp/physdata.txt
$ cat /tmp/physdata.txt
Snapshot date             : ...
Last modified             : YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +TZ00
Gender                    : ...
Birthday                  : ...
Weight                    : ...
Height                    : ...
HR max                    : ...
HR resting                : ...
Aerobic threshold         : ...
Anaerobic threshold       : ...
VO2max                    : ...
Training background       : ...
Typical day               : ...
Weekly recovery time sum  : ...
Functional threshold power: ...

Convert daily summary to TXT file:

$ polar_dailysummary2txt <path/to/raw/polar/daily_summary> [<output_txt_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_dailysummary2txt ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/DSUM/ /tmp/daily.txt
$ cat /tmp/daily.txt
Date                                : DD/MM/YYYY
Recorded activity                   : 24:00:00
Steps                               : 12000
Distance                            : 6841 m

BMR      calories                   : 1755 kcal
Activity calories                   :  427 kcal
Training calories                   : 1118 kcal
TOTAL    calories                   : 3300 kcal

Activity NON_WEAR                   : 01:27:00.000
Activity SLEEP                      : 08:41:30.000
Activity SEDENTARY                  : 08:43:00.000
Activity LIGHT                      : 03:27:00.000
Activity CONTINUOUS_MODERATE        : 00:00:00.000
Activity INTERMITTENT_MODERATE      : 00:03:30.000
Activity CONTINUOUS_VIGOROUS        : 01:22:00.000
Activity INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS      : 00:16:00.000
TOTAL activity time                 : 05:08:30

Activity goal                       : 291% (926.8/318.0)
Activity goal (time to go, standing): 00:00:00.000
Activity goal (time to go, walking) : 00:00:00.000
Activity goal (time to go, running) : 00:00:00.000

Convert daily activity samples to CSV file:

$ polar_activitysamples2csv <path/to/raw/polar/daily_activity_samples> [<output_csv_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_activitysamples2csv ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/ACT/ /tmp/daily.csv
$ cat /tmp/daily.csv
Time,Activity,Steps,Metabolic equivalent,Sport,Inactivity notification
YYYY-MM-DD 09:53:00 +0100,SEDENTARY,2,1.25,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:53:30 +0100,SEDENTARY,,1.5,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:54:00 +0100,LIGHT,20,1.75,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:54:30 +0100,LIGHT,,2.0,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:55:00 +0100,LIGHT,22,2.75,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:55:30 +0100,LIGHT,,2.375,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:56:00 +0100,LIGHT,20,2.625,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:56:30 +0100,LIGHT,,2.375,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:57:00 +0100,LIGHT,28,2.25,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:57:30 +0100,LIGHT,,2.25,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:58:00 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,108,3.125,-1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:58:30 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,,10.25,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 09:59:00 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,85,9.75,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:00:00 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,100,9.75,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:00:30 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,,10.375,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:01:00 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,100,10.25,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:01:30 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,,10.0,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:02:00 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,89,9.75,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:02:30 +0100,INTERMITTENT_VIGOROUS,,10.5,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:03:00 +0100,CONTINUOUS_VIGOROUS,85,10.625,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:03:30 +0100,CONTINUOUS_VIGOROUS,,10.375,1,
YYYY-MM-DD 10:04:00 +0100,CONTINUOUS_VIGOROUS,87,10.25,1,

Convert a training session to Garmin GPX file:

$ polar_training2gpx <path/to/raw/polar/training_session_id> [<output_gpx_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_training2gpx ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/ /tmp/output.gpx

Convert a training session to Suunto SML file:

$ polar_training2sml <path/to/raw/polar/training_session_id> [<output_sml_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_training2sml ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/E/<training_session_id>/ /tmp/output.sml

Read fitness test result and convert to TXT file:

$ polar_fitnesstest2txt <path/to/raw/polar/fitness_test_result> [<output_txt_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_fitnesstest2txt ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/FT/<fitness_test_id>/ /tmp/output.txt

Read RR recording result and convert to TXT file:

$ polar_rrrecord2txt <path/to/raw/polar/rr_record_result> [<output_txt_file>]

# Example:
$ polar_ftp SYNC # Copy watch file system to ~/Polar/<device_id>
$ polar_rrrecord2txt ~/Polar/<device_id>/U/0/<YYYYMMDD>/RRREC/<rr_record_id>/ /tmp/output.txt


Cédric Maïon





A set of command line tools written in Ruby to interact with Polar watches and decode raw data files


Language:Ruby 100.0%