Antariex / Gradebook

An exercise about the use of lists and its methods on Python creating a gradebook.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


You are a student and you are trying to organize your subjects and grades using Python. Let’s explore what we’ve learned about lists to organize your subjects and scores.


Create Some Lists:

1 - Create a list called subjects and fill it with the classes you are taking:

  • "physics"
  • "calculus"
  • "poetry"
  • "history"

2 - Create a list called grades and fill it with your scores:

  • 98
  • 97
  • 85
  • 88

3 - Manually (without any methods) create a two-dimensional list to combine subjects and grades. Use the table below as a reference to associated values.

Name Test Score
"physics" 98
"calculus" 97
"poetry" 85
"history" 88

Assign the value into a variable called gradebook.

4 - Print gradebook.

Does it look how you expected it would?

Add More Subjects:

5 - Your grade for your computer science class just came in! You got a perfect score, 100!

Use the .append() method to add a list with the values of "computer science" and an associated grade value of 100 to our two-dimensional list of gradebook.

6 - Your grade for "visual arts" just came in! You got a 93!

Use append to add ["visual arts", 93] to gradebook.

Modify The Gradebook:

7 - Our instructor just told us they made a mistake grading and are rewarding an extra 5 points for our visual arts class.

Access the index of the grade for your visual arts class and modify it to be 5 points greater.

8 - You decided to switch from a numerical grade value to a Pass/Fail option for your poetry class.

Find the grade value in your gradebook for your poetry class and use the .remove() method to delete it.

9 - Use the .append() method to then add a new "Pass" value to the sublist where your poetry class is located.

One Big Gradebook!

10 - You also have your grades from last semester, stored in last_semester_gradebook.

Create a new variable full_gradebook that combines both last_semester_gradebook and gradebook using + to have one complete grade book.

Print full_gradebook to see our completed list.


An exercise about the use of lists and its methods on Python creating a gradebook.


Language:Python 100.0%