A hands-on program focusing on RISC-V development, including tasks from software setup to creating and demonstrating practical application using RISC V processor.

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TASK 1: Installing the required programmes for this internship, such as Ubuntu on VMBox, Visual C++, and writing an example of C code along with evaluating RISC assembly code for the sample C code, are the tasks at hand.


Step 1: Setting Up Ubuntu within VMBox

  1. Install Ubuntu on VMBox.
  2. Launch Ubuntu's terminal.

Step 2: Install Leafpad

$ sudo apt install leafpad

Navigate to the home directory:

$ cd
$ leafpad filename.c &


Step 3: Compile and Run the C Code

Compile the C code:

$ gcc filename.c

Run the compiled program:

$ ./a.out



Step 4: Compile C Code with RISC-V Compiler

Compile the C code using the RISC-V compiler:

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -O1 -mabi=lp64 -march=rv64i -o filename.o filename.c

List the compiled object file:

$ ls -ltr filename.o


Step 5: Display Assembly Code

Display the optimized assembly code for the main function:

$ riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d filename.o | less



Understanding Binary Neural Network


Binarized Neural Network (BNN)

Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs) were introduced in a 2016 paper by Courbariaux, Hubara, Soudry, El-Yaniv, and Bengio. This innovative approach involves training neural networks with binarized weights and activations.

Key Points of BNNs:

  1. Binarization of Weights and Activations:

    • During training, weights and activations are binarized to either -1 or 1. This reduces the memory needed to store these values compared to floating-point numbers.
  2. Efficiency Improvements:

    • The binarized values enable the use of bitwise operations instead of complex arithmetic operations. Bitwise operations are much faster and consume less power.
    • This results in improved power efficiency, essential for training neural networks on low-power devices like mobile phones and embedded systems. BNNs can reduce power consumption by over 32 times compared to traditional neural networks.
  3. Faster Training:

    • The paper demonstrated that binary matrix multiplication can significantly speed up the training process. For instance, training a BNN on the MNIST dataset was shown to be 7 times faster than traditional methods while still achieving near state-of-the-art results.

Benefits of BNNs:

  • Reduced Memory Usage: Using binary values significantly reduces the neural network's memory footprint.
  • Increased Speed: Simpler binary operations enable faster computation.
  • Lower Power Consumption: Bitwise operations lead to lower power usage, making BNNs suitable for low-power devices.

Deterministic Function


Stochastic Function


Key Aspects of BNNs

Real-valued Weights for Optimizers

Although BNNs use binarized weights and activations during training, real-valued weights are still necessary for optimizers to function effectively. These real-valued weights are accumulated in real-valued variables, enabling the optimization process.

Saturated Straight-Through Estimator (STE)

When using deterministic or stochastic functions for binarization, their derivatives are zero, resulting in zero gradients. To address this, the Saturated STE substitutes the derivative of the signum function with 1 when ( x \leq 1 ), effectively preventing the gradient from vanishing when ( x ) is too large.

Shift-based Batch Normalization and AdaMax Optimization

BNNs utilize shift-based methods as alternatives to conventional Batch Normalization and AdaMax optimization. These methods leverage bitwise operations to save time. The BNN paper asserts that replacing Batch Normalization and the Adam optimizer with shift-based Batch Normalization and shift-based Adam optimizer does not result in accuracy loss.

Speeding Up the Training

The BNN paper introduced techniques to further accelerate GPU implementations of BNNs, achieving greater efficiency than using cuBLAS. One notable technique is SWAR (Single Instruction, Multiple Data Within a Register), which concatenates 32 binary variables into 32-bit registers. This allows 32 connections to be evaluated in just 6 clock cycles on an Nvidia GPU, resulting in a theoretical speed improvement of ( \frac{32}{6} = 5.3 ) times.

Performance Stats


Figure 1: A binary weight filter from the 1st convolutional layer of BNN | Source image

Figure 2: Comparison between Baseline kernel, cuBLAS, and the XNOR kernel for time and accuracy | Source

As shown in Figure 2:

  • The accuracy for all three methods (unoptimized baseline kernel, cuBLAS library, and paper’s XNOR kernel) are the same in the third section of the graph.
  • In the first section, matrix multiplication time is compared, with an 8192 x 8192 x 8192 matrix.
  • In the second section, full test data in MNIST is inferred on a multi-layered perceptron. The XNOR kernel performs better, being 23 times faster than the baseline kernel and 3.4 times faster than the cuBLAS kernel in the case of matrix multiplication.


  • BNNs binarize weights and activations to reduce memory size and improve power efficiency.
  • Deterministic and stochastic functions are used for binarization.
  • Real-valued weights are used for optimization.
  • Saturated STE is used to address zero gradients in backpropagation.
  • Shift-based methods are employed for BatchNormalization and AdaMax optimization.
  • SWAR is used to speed up calculations by performing parallel operations within a register.
  • The XNOR kernel provides significant speed improvements compared to baseline and cuBLAS kernels.

Binary Neural Network in C


Code Explanation

Function Definitions

  • f(double a, double b): The function to be learned by the neural network. In this example, it returns the absolute difference of a and b.

  • rnd(): Generates a uniform random number between 0.0 and 1.0.

  • nrnd(): Generates a normal random number with a standard deviation of 1.0.

  • sigmoid(double x): The sigmoid activation function.

  • sigmoid_g(double y): The gradient of the sigmoid function.

Layer Structure

A layer in the network is represented by the Layer structure, which includes:

  • lid: Layer ID.
  • lprev: Pointer to the previous layer.
  • lnext: Pointer to the next layer.
  • nnodes: Number of nodes in the layer.
  • outputs: Array of node outputs.
  • gradients: Array of node gradients.
  • errors: Array of node errors.
  • nbiases: Number of biases.
  • biases: Array of biases.
  • u_biases: Array of bias updates.
  • nweights: Number of weights.
  • weights: Array of weights.
  • u_weights: Array of weight updates.

Layer Functions

  • Layer_create(Layer* lprev, int nnodes): Creates a new layer with the specified number of nodes and connects it to the previous layer if provided.

  • Layer_destroy(Layer* self): Releases the memory allocated for the layer.

  • Layer_dump(const Layer* self, FILE* fp): Outputs the layer's details for debugging purposes.

  • Layer_feedForw(Layer* self): Performs the feedforward operation for the layer.

  • Layer_feedBack(Layer* self): Performs the backpropagation operation for the layer.

  • Layer_setInputs(Layer* self, const double* values): Sets the input values for the input layer and starts the feedforward process.

  • Layer_getOutputs(const Layer* self, double* outputs): Retrieves the output values from the layer.

  • Layer_getErrorTotal(const Layer* self): Calculates the total error for the layer.

  • Layer_learnOutputs(Layer* self, const double* values): Learns the target output values by calculating the errors and initiating the backpropagation process.

  • Layer_update(Layer* self, double rate): Updates the weights and biases based on the learning rate.

Main Function

The main function initializes the layers, runs the training loop for a specified number of epochs, and updates the weights after each epoch.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    srand(0); // Use a fixed random seed for debugging.

    // Initialize layers.
    Layer* linput = Layer_create(NULL, 2);
    Layer* lhidden = Layer_create(linput, 3);
    Layer* loutput = Layer_create(lhidden, 1);
    Layer_dump(linput, stderr);
    Layer_dump(lhidden, stderr);
    Layer_dump(loutput, stderr);

    // Run the network.
    double rate = 1.0;
    int nepochs = 10000;
    for (int i = 0; i < nepochs; i++) {
        double x[2];
        double y[1];
        double t[1];
        x[0] = rnd();
        x[1] = rnd();
        t[0] = f(x[0], x[1]);
        Layer_setInputs(linput, x);
        Layer_getOutputs(loutput, y);
        Layer_learnOutputs(loutput, t);
        double etotal = Layer_getErrorTotal(loutput);
        fprintf(stderr, "i=%d, x=[%.4f, %.4f], y=[%.4f], t=[%.4f], etotal=%.4f\n",
                i, x[0], x[1], y[0], t[0], etotal);
        Layer_update(loutput, rate);

    // Dump the finished network.
    Layer_dump(linput, stdout);
    Layer_dump(lhidden, stdout);
    Layer_dump(loutput, stdout);

    // Free the memory.
    return 0;






A hands-on program focusing on RISC-V development, including tasks from software setup to creating and demonstrating practical application using RISC V processor.


Language:C 100.0%