Anonymous961 / Anonymous961

Config files for my GitHub profile.

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snake gif

Typing SVG

๐ŸŒฑ Iโ€™m currently learning Blockchain and Smart Contracts.

๐Ÿ‘ฏ Iโ€™m open to collaborate

๐Ÿค Iโ€™m looking for interesting open source projects.

โšก Fun fact I think I am funny.

My Profiles

Codechef Codeforces Hackerrank LeetCode


JavaScript TypeScript Python Static Badge C Static Badge Java Shell Script

Frameworks, Platforms and Libraries

React React Native NodeJS Express.js Recoil.js Sequelize Prisma React Query React Router Metro Expo hardhat Truffle Vite Next JS Strapi Flask Anaconda NPM Yarn ESLint Babel Postman Trello Docker Gradle TailwindCSS jQuery graphql Webpack Apollo-GraphQL

๐Ÿ’พ Databases

MongoDB Postgresql MySQL SQLite

โ˜๏ธ Hosting

AWS Firebase Netlify Vercel Railway Render

๐Ÿ•“ Version Control

Git GitHub GitLab

๐ŸŽ›๏ธ Operating System

Windows Android Kali Linux Linux Mint Ubuntu Static Badge

๐Ÿ‘€ Total Visitors

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Config files for my GitHub profile.