1. Creating calculator with JS ✔️
Calculator webpage screenshot
2. Find longest word. ✔️
3. Titlecase sentence. ✔️
4. Factorialize. ✔️
5. Palindrome check. ✔️
6. Confirm the ending. ✔️
7. Slasher. ✔️
8. Sum all the numbers in a range. ✔️
9. Diff array. ✔️
10. Is word plural?. ✔️
11. Even or odd. ✔️
12. Repeat string num times. ✔️
13. Truncate a string. ✔️
14. Chunky monkey. ✔️
15. Falsy bouncer. ✔️
16. Caesars cipher. ✔️
17. Roman numeral converter. ✔️
18. Learning promises. ✔️
1. Learning Webpack
1. Learning JS promises.
1. Wolves Den landing page.