Andrysqui / CVE-2024-9166

A vulnerability scanner that searches for the CVE-2024-9166 vulnerability on websites, more info about this vulnerability here:

Repository from Github https://github.comAndrysqui/CVE-2024-9166Repository from Github https://github.comAndrysqui/CVE-2024-9166

CVE-2024-9166 Vulnerability Scanner

A Python-based tool to scan websites for the CVE-2024-9166 vulnerability, which is one of the most recent ones (at the moment of publishing this repository.). It checks for vulnerable patterns, tests the vulnerability to confirm it, and logs results to a file.

I'm not responsible in any way of the misuse of this tool. This tool was made with the intention of being used for ethical hacking, doing penetration testing (and every type of hacking) without consent is illegal and can have serious consequences!


To install the tool you can just copy this Github repository with this single command:

git clone


  • Python 3.7+
  • Install Python dependencies via pip:
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 argparse


Basic Usage:

  1. Single URL Scan:
  python3 --url
  1. Scan Multiple URLs from a File and Logging the Results:
  python3 --file urls.txt --logfile output.log
  1. Custom Headers
  python3 --url --headers '{"User-Agent": "Custom-Agent", "Bug-Bounty: True", "Pen-Testing: True"}'

Command-Line Arguments:

  • -h or --help: Shows a help message explaining each one of the arguments below.
  • --url or -u: Specify a single URL to scan (mutually exclusive with -f or --file).
  • --file or -f: Path with a file with URLs to scan (one per line, mutually exclusive with -u or --url).
  • --logfile or -l: Path to log results (default: scan_log.txt).
  • --headers: Custom headers in JSON format (e.g., '{"User-Agent": "Custom-Agent"}').
  • --threads: Number of threads for scanning multiple URLs (default: 5).
  • --exploit-command: Command used to test the vulnerability (default: id).
  • --vulnerable-content: Pattern to search for inside responses to confirm a vulnerability when using custom command (default: uid=).


A vulnerability scanner that searches for the CVE-2024-9166 vulnerability on websites, more info about this vulnerability here:

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%