Androxilogin / 3DPostFix

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Remember to tin your wire!

(If you're into that sort of thing)

I got a 360 slim in the mail last week that would beep but wouldn't turn on. I tore it down and popped off the X-Clamp to quickly realize it was missing two resistors underneath the CPU. So I fixed that up with components from a donor board and saw no change. So apparently it had either had a bad flash or there was more damage I hadn't noticed. Checked all over with a multimeter, everything seemed to check out. This board also unfortunately required a post-fix adapter which I had no more left on hand so I ordered a few and began working on some other consoles I had laying around.

In the back of my mind I couldn't put it to rest. An unfinished project always stresses me out. Especially when the answer could be soo simple yet out of reach. So I decided I would take a shot at making my own with the power of 3D printing! Grabbed my micrometer and took some measurements. Printed one off at .8mm as a test fit and made some slight alterations. Found that the depth could actually be more around 1.2mm which would also help with the diameter of the wire I was using (1mm).

So near the point, I made it closer to .5mm which would end up at 1mm to hold the wire securely in place. Tinned up my wire, straightened it out and pushed it to the point while pressing down firmly and bending it into the grooves. Powered it on and I was presented with the Xell loader. I meant for this to be a temporary fix until my actual products came through but the more I think about it, the more I want to leave it as is. SO I plan on making another version in the future that will be more like the "official" adapters complete with pogo pins, but for now, I'll upload this "poor man's post-fix" for anyone with access to a 3D printer to utilize what they have laying around to get the job done.

I recommend printing with PETG as a peace of mind but I'm using PLA myself. PLA has a melting temperature of around 190c which the processor should never even reach 80c so it should be fine either way.

I do plan on making a few different versions of this. One that goes straight to the point. Another that adds some bends to the wire to ensure it doesn't move and also a version that will allow you to use a traditional pogo pin later on once I find a proper size.

Poor Man's Post Fix Adapter Reddit Thread

I also got one of them YouTubez.

This is the latest version. I've added enough space for the wire casing and a small .3mm tooth to grip the wire directly after the bend.

This is the (old) basic version.

Even though they're relatively simple, these files may continue to go through some light changes over time as with many of my other projects. I don't anticipate a new version until I order some pogo pins. But that will be an optional thing, most likely. But it may be optional in a way of multi-purpose, allowing either a wire or a pogo pin. Who knows!
