AndrewJBateman / vue-vuex-datalist

:clipboard: Displays random facts and image from APIs, using the Vue and Vuex.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

⚑ Vue Vuex Data

  • Vue app to display random fact data using Vuex state management.
  • Also shows a random image from Unsplash.
  • Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link

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πŸ“„ Table of contents

πŸ“š General info

  • Data displayed using one-way data-binding and an v-for loop.
  • Simple top navigation between random fact shown on a card and a list of facts.
  • 'purgecss' was disabled to make this work with the version upgrades. It is not required anyway.

πŸ“· Screenshots

Example screenshot. Example screenshot.

πŸ“Ά Technologies

πŸ’Ύ Setup

  • Run npm i to install dependencies.
  • Run npm run serve then navigate to http://localhost:8080/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
  • Run npm run build to create a build file

πŸ’» Code Examples

  • extract from store/index.js to control Vuex states
export default new Vuex.Store({
  state: {
    currentData: "Random facts display",
    allDatas: []
  mutations: {
    setCurrentData(state, payload) {
      state.currentData = payload;
  actions: {
    async setCurrentData(state){
      const data = await fetch(url, { headers });
      const d = await data.json();
      console.log('json data: ', d.items)
      state.commit("setCurrentData", d.text);
  modules: {},
  getters: {
    getCurrentData: state => state.currentData,
    getAllDatas: state => state.allDatas

πŸ†’ Features

  • Uses Vue & Tailwind CSS for reduced bundle size
  • Random image every time app started or screen is refreshed, add API data model

πŸ“‹ Status & To-Do List

  • Status: Working. Updated june 2021.
  • To-Do: Nothing

πŸ‘ Inspiration

πŸ“ License

  • This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

βœ‰οΈ Contact


:clipboard: Displays random facts and image from APIs, using the Vue and Vuex.

License:MIT License


Language:Vue 66.1%Language:JavaScript 26.1%Language:HTML 7.1%Language:CSS 0.7%