AndrewAscone / jfoot.greeps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • Purpose

    • To establish familiarity with conditional statements
  • Objective

    • Modify the Greep class to collect Tomato objects and return them to the Spaceship while avoiding Water and obstacles.
  • Description

    • Your task is to program the Greep to collect as many Tomato as possible.
    • You may ONLY CHANGE THE GREEP class.
    • You may not change any other class.
  • Getting oriented

    • Please view the javadocs for this project to get better acquainted with the object orientation
      • the Creature class is the abstract superclass of the Greep class.
      • the Greep is a concrete subclass of the Creature class.
      • the GreepSpit is a composite child of Greep. It is the permissible only communication mechanism by Greeps.
      • the TomatoPile is where Greep gather resources. A Greep cannot retrieve from a TomatoPile unless another Greep is there to load it onto the other Greep present at the same TomatoPile.
  • Development Constraints

    1. Only change the class Greep. No other classes may be modified or created.
    2. No additional fields. You cannot extend the Greep memory.
      • you are not allowed to add fields to the class (except final fields).
      • You can use the one byte memory that is provided.
    3. You cannot move more than once per act round.
    4. You cannot communicate directly with other Greep.
      • That is: no field accesses or method calls to other Greep objects are allowed.
      • Greep can communicate indirectly via the GreepSpit on the ground.
    5. No long vision.
      • You are allowed to look at the world only at the immediate location of the Greep.
      • Greep are almost blind, and cannot look any further.
    6. No instantiating Actor subclasses.
      • Actor subclasses, such as Greep or GreepSpit, cannot be instantiated. Greep have no magic powers - they cannot create things out of nothing.
    7. No teleporting.
      • Methods from Actor that cheat normal movement (such as setLocation) may not be used.


  • This application is built using the Jfoot library.

How to Download

Part 1 - Forking the Project

  • To fork the project, click the Fork button located at the top right of the project.

Part 2 - Navigating to forked Repository

  • Navigate to your github profile to find the newly forked repository.
  • Copy the URL of the project to the clipboard.

Part 3 - Cloning forked repository

  • Clone the repository from your account into the ~/dev directory.
    • if you do not have a ~/dev directory, make one by executing the following command:
      • mkdir ~/dev
    • navigate to the ~/dev directory by executing the following command:
      • cd ~/dev
    • clone the project by executing the following command:
      • git clone

Part 4 - Check Build

  • Ensure that the tests run upon opening the project.
    • You should see Tests Failed: 99 of 99 tests

How to Submit

Part 1 - Pushing local changes to remote repository

  • from a terminal navigate to the root directory of the cloned project.
  • from the root directory of the project, execute the following commands:
    • add all changes
      • git add .
    • commit changes to be pushed
      • git commit -m 'I have added changes'
    • push changes to your repository
      • git push -u origin master

Part 2 - Submitting assignment

  • from the browser, navigate to the forked project from your github account.
  • click the Pull Requests tab.
  • select New Pull Request



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