Joan Andrés (Andres6936)


Geek Repo

Location:Santiago de Cali (Colombia)

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Joan Andrés's repositories


A computer program is needed to manage the information from a group of patients being treated at different clinics in the city. For each patient, the application must store a numeric code that is unique (76527, for example), a name ("Mariana Chacon), the name of the clinic to which was referred the patient ("Hospital Reina Sofía"), the patient medical information ("Earache") and gender (Female).



Se desea construir una aplicación para manejar una alcancía. La alcancía debe permitir guardar monedas de las siguientes denominaciones: $50, $100, $200, $500 y $1000. No se guardan ni billetes ni monedas de otras denominaciones. La alcancía debe mostrar cuántas monedas tiene de cada denominación en todo momento.



Se quiere crear una aplicación que permita realizar encuesta de opinión de un curso y manejar sus resultados. La encuesta consiste en una única pregunta, en la cual se le pide a la persona dar su opinión acerca del curso, dando un valor entre 0 y 10. Se desea poder conocer los resultados de la en cuenta para diferentes sectores demográficos.



Se quiere crear una aplicación para controlar los gastos telefónicos de una empresa. La empresa cuenta con tres líneas telefónicas a través de las cuales se pueden realizar llamadas locales, de larga distancia y a celulares.



Una de las actividades más comunes en el mundo financiero, es la realización de simulaciones que permitan a los clientes saber el rendimiento de sus productos a través del tiempo, contemplando diferentes escenarios y posibles situaciones que se presenten.



An online store that allows to design and purchase a Mr. Potato Head wants to be built. Each customer must be able to design a Mr Potato Head as he likes, calculate the price if its design and bui it when he has finished choosing all the parts.



Tic tac toe goes on between two players; each one chooses a symbol to represent his/her self during the game. The symbol is usually either an "O" or an "X". Players take turns placing their symbol on a board with nine positions. The player that manages to place three of his/her symbols in line, be it horizontally, vertically or diagonally, wins. If all nine positions in the board have been occupied and neither player managed to place three symbols in line, the match has reached a draw.



The objective is to build an application that handles all the personal contacts for a user. Each contact has a first and last name, an address, an email, multiple phone numbers, and a set of keywords used to search for that contact. The first and last names of the contact must be unique within the list and they are, by default, keywords.



An application that allows a user to manage a parking lot it is wanted here. That parking lot has 87 parking places numbered from 1 to 87. In each place a car can be parked. Parking lot has a parking rate per hour or fraction, each time the government authorizes it.



Un banco de Gnomos desea una aplicación que administre las funciones básicas del banco. Este banco se caracteriza por el manejo de bóvedas para salvaguardar los tesoros de monedas de sus clientes, los gnomos. Para cada bóveda, se conoce: nombre, nombre del cliente que la posee, llave (código numérico) y un tipo (puede ser primario, secundario o terciario). El tipo de bóveda implica ciertas restricciones sobre la cantidad máxima y mínima de monedas que esta puede almacenar:



A cinema or movie theater is composed of seats that are identified with a character that represents the row (A-K) and a number of seat(1-20). The seats can be of two types, preferential, also called upper seats (rows I, J and K) and general, also called lower seats (remaining rows).



We want to build an application for the university loans center that handles all the loans of the resources that the universiti has available for its students.



La fundación cupi2 está realizando una campaña por la educación. La campaña incluye la venta de cuentos infantiles y se donará todo el dinero recibido en las ventas. Se desea tener una aplicación que permita consultar información de los libros en venta, comprar un libro y además ver el progreso de las ventas.



The necessity exists for a person to know his/her amount owed on taxes before they have to make the payment. In the same way, the organizations that collect these taxes must have the information on the amounts people owe so it can carry on its functions.



It is necessary to build an application that allows viewing images in BMP format. The BMP format allows to save the color information of each pixel in the image. The color of a pixel is represented in the RGB (Red-Green-Blue), in which the color is formed by the combination of three components (red, green and blue) each of which is represented by a number that shows the proportion of the component in the final color.



El Sudoku es un juego que existe desde hace unos años, pero recientemente se ha vuelto popular en todo el mundo. La idea básica del juego es usar la lógica para resolver un problema simple, sin necesidad de poseer habilidades matemáticas para jugarlo.



In a canine exhibition, parades of different canine races are made. For each of the canine participants, the show manages the following information: name (which must be unique for each participant), race, age and the number of points granted in the exhibition.



It is wanted to build an application for a used vehicles sales business, which offers cars, buses, motorbikes and trucks. In addition of the type of each vehicle, it is also known the brand, the model, the year, number of axes, cylinder capacity, price and a picture of it. Because of business rules, there are not two vehicles with the same model and year.



The application to be built allows the manipulation and visualization of DNA chains. Initial chains must be loaded from text files, the chains built modifying the initial chains could be saved in text files using the same format.
