Permission denied when nginx talks to the grpc server.
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
Used nginx with version 1.15 (mainline)
We recommend that in general you deploy the NGINX mainline branch at all times. The main reason to use the stable branch is that you are concerned about possible impacts of new features, such as incompatibility with third-party modules or the inadvertent introduction of bugs in new features.
The ngx_http_grpc_module module allows passing requests to a gRPC server (1.13.10). The module requires the ngx_http_v2_module module.
http {
server {
listen 9000 http2;
location / {
"check": {
"id": "mem-util",
"name": "Service health status",
"grpc": "",
"grpc_use_tls": false,
"interval": "10s"
gRPC + Interval - These checks are intended for applications that support the standard gRPC health checking protocol. The state of the check will be updated at the given interval by probing the configured endpoint. By default, gRPC checks will be configured with a default timeout of 10 seconds. It is possible to configure a custom timeout value by specifying the timeout field in the check definition. gRPC checks will default to not using TLS, but TLS can be enabled by setting grpc_use_tls in the check definition. If TLS is enabled, then by default, a valid TLS certificate is expected. Certificate verification can be turned off by setting the tls_skip_verify field to true in the check definition.