AndreaLecuona / to-watch-list-app

Small todo list with movie theme, inspired by an exercise from 'React: De cero a experto (Hooks y MERN)' course by Fernando Herrera.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

toWatch list app (work in progress)

This is an small app inspired by a todo list-excercise from 'React: De cero a experto (Hooks y MERN)' course by Fernando Herrera.

It allows you to create a list of movies to watch during quarantine, so you can entertain yourself while staying safe at home. You can add, crossed out and delete movie titles as many as you like. Made with React and useReducer Hook.

Enjoy! ---> Try it here

Spanish version

toWatch list app (work in progress)

Esta es una pequeña app inspirada en el ejercicio de todo list perteneciente al curso 'React: De cero a experto (Hooks y MERN)' de Fernando Herrera.

Permite crear una lista de películas para ver durante la cuarentena, de modo que puedas entretenerte mientras te cuidás en casa. Podés agregar, tachar y eliminar cuantos títulos de películas quieras. Hecho con React y useReducer (hook).

Que lo disfrutes! ---> Probalo aquí


Small todo list with movie theme, inspired by an exercise from 'React: De cero a experto (Hooks y MERN)' course by Fernando Herrera.


Language:JavaScript 50.1%Language:CSS 34.6%Language:HTML 15.2%