AndreVarandas / phaser3-rollup-typescript

Phaser 3 template using Rollup and TypeScript

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Phaser 3 TypeScript Starter


This is a Phaser 3 starter template that uses TypeScript, Rollup, and offers lightning-fast Hot Module Replacement (HMR) through Vite.

About this Starter Template

This project is based on geocine's Phaser 3 TypeScript starter, with some additional features and improvements. The goal is to streamline the setup process for new Phaser 3 projects.

Key features included in this template:

  • Husky and lint-staged: Enforces code checks and formatting during commits.
  • Commitizen and cz-emoji: Helps create meaningful semantic commit messages.
  • Prettier: Automatically formats code with sorted imports.
  • Simple CSS Reset: Provides a basic CSS reset.
  • '~' Alias: Allows local imports using '~'.

Available Commands

Command Description
yarn install Install project dependencies
yarn dev Build the project, open a web server, and watch for changes
yarn build Build the code bundle with production settings
yarn serve Run a web server to serve the built code bundle
yarn commit Prepare a commit message using emojis for better readability
yarn lint Check for errors in your code
yarn lint:fix Fix all fixable eslint errors in your code
yarn format Format all files using prettier
yarn clean Delete the dist folder


To get started, clone the repository and run yarn install from your project directory. Then, start the local development server with yarn dev and navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


After running yarn build, you'll find the production-ready files in the dist folder. To test your code in the dist folder, run yarn serve and navigate to http://localhost:8080.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, see the LICENSE file.


Phaser 3 template using Rollup and TypeScript

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 63.3%Language:CSS 20.5%Language:HTML 7.9%Language:JavaScript 7.0%Language:Shell 1.3%