Andr3wHur5t / Netflix-Google-Translate

Translate Netflix captions with google translate.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Netflix - Google Translate Captions

Translate any netflix shows captions using google translate (Any Language).

screen shot 2017-10-01 at 2 12 34 am

If I see more usage I'll turn this into a chrome plugin.


  1. Populate API key in universalTranslator.js
  2. Choose 2 letter language code for target language
  3. Copy javascript into the developer console while on the netflix site.

Note: this will cost a small amount of money to use (Based on the translation rates provided by google)

Some of the translations can be glitchy; (Flashing on screen; displaced; PRs are welcome!)


  1. Open a show on netflix with english captions
  2. Copy current code into javascript console

Refreshing the page clears out current state; clearing the interval will stop translation.


Translate Netflix captions with google translate.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%