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Missions in Maitavale - A campaign setting for the BIND RPG

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Missions in Maitavale

Core Book
Character Sheets
Condensed Rules
Introduction Module
Email an issue

Missions in Maitavale is a complete campaign for the BIND RPG.

Various factions have loosely intersecting plots, which cast their shadows across the PCs while they just try to do their regular Night Guard jobs. The various crossing threads of the myriad factions use a new way to weave tales together in small segments: the Side Quest system, where the larger plot comes together from interwoven strands.

Getting the Book

Download it from the link, then take it to your local, friendly, print-shop. Everything in the book has been optimized for reading on paper. Reading two-columns of blinding-white PDF on a monitor will only give you a headache.

Compiling the Book Yourself

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Install the required packages:
    • For Debian/ Mint/ Ubuntu: apt install inkscape make texlive-full git-lfs latexmk.
    • For Arch Linux: pacman -S inkscape make git git-lfs texlive-binextra texlive-latexextra texlive-fontsrecommended texlive-fontsextra && git lfs install
    • For Void Linux: xbps-install inkscape make texlive-full git-lfs texlive-latexmk.
  3. Enter the repo, and do make all.

For full setup instructions, see the wiki.

The Map

A thousand monsters wander below, so humanity must plan accordingly. The outer villages have walls, and survive by posting archers during the day, and huddling inside their houses at night, while tendrils and mandibles feel around every dwelling for an opening.

Along the road, bothies and brochs allow safe-havens for anyone wandering along the road.

The inner hamlets peacefully farm, safe in the knowledge that curious predators will head towards the noises of the other civilized areas. Of course, this doesn't always work, so Greytown sends out its criminals, scum, and political agitators to ensure protection for every bailey in the Grey Valley.

Enter the PCs, charged with defending this peace.

The Grey Valley

Throughout the various stories, one bailey after another could fall. And if the perimeter falls, a deluge of predators will feast on the soft inner areas.


Missions in Maitavale - A campaign setting for the BIND RPG


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