Andarist / arktype

TypeScript's 1:1 validator, optimized from editor to runtime

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ArkType TypeScript's 1:1 validator

typescript@4.9.5 in VS Code— no extensions or plugins required (how?) (try in-browser)

ArkType is a type-safe runtime validator that understands TypeScript syntax.

Each character you type is statically parsed so you'll know exactly what to expect from editor to runtime ⛵

Install 📦4KB gzipped, 0 dependencies

Npm Icon npm install arktype (or whatever package manager you prefer)

Deno Icon import { type } from ""

Our types are tested in strict-mode with TypeScript versions 4.8, 4.9, and 5.0.

Our APIs have mostly stabilized, but details may still change during the alpha/beta stages of our 1.0 release. If you have suggestions that may require a breaking change, now is the time to let us know!


Try it in-browser.

import { type } from "arktype"

// Define your type...
export const user = type({
    name: "string",
    device: {
        platform: "'android'|'ios'",
        "version?": "number"

// Infer it...
export type User = typeof user.infer

// Get validated data or clear, customizable error messages.
export const { data, problems } = user({
    name: "Alan Turing",
    device: {
        platform: "enigma"

if (problems) {
    // "device/platform must be 'android' or 'ios' (was 'enigma')"


Try it in-browser.

import { scope } from "arktype"

// Scopes are collections of types that can reference each other.
export const types = scope({
    package: {
        name: "string",
        "dependencies?": "package[]",
        "contributors?": "contributor[]"
    contributor: {
        // Subtypes like 'email' are inferred like 'string' but provide additional validation at runtime.
        email: "email",
        "packages?": "package[]"

// Cyclic types are inferred to arbitrary depth...
export type Package = typeof types.package.infer

// And can validate cyclic data.
const packageData: Package = {
    name: "arktype",
    dependencies: [{ name: "typescript" }],
    contributors: [{ email: "david@sharktypeio" }]
packageData.dependencies![0].dependencies = [packageData]

export const { data, problems } = types.package(packageData)


ArkType supports many of TypeScript's built-in types and operators, as well as some new ones dedicated exclusively to runtime validation. In fact, we got a little ahead of ourselves and built a ton of cool features, but we're still working on getting caught up syntax and API docs. Keep an eye out for more in the next couple weeks ⛵

In the meantime, check out the examples here and use the type hints you get to learn how you can customize your types and scopes. If you want to explore some of the more advanced features, take a look at our unit tests and don't hesitate to reach out on our Discord channel!


ArkType's isomorphic parser has parallel static and dynamic implementations. This means as soon as you type a definition in your editor, you'll know the eventual result at runtime.

If you're curious, below is an example of what that looks like under the hood. If not, close that hood back up, npm install arktype and enjoy top-notch developer experience 🧑‍💻

export const parseOperator = (s: DynamicState): void => {
    const lookahead = s.scanner.shift()
    return lookahead === ""
        ? s.finalize()
        : lookahead === "["
        ? s.scanner.shift() === "]"
            ? s.rootToArray()
            : s.error(incompleteArrayTokenMessage)
        : isKeyOf(lookahead, Scanner.branchTokens)
        ? s.pushRootToBranch(lookahead)
        : lookahead === ")"
        ? s.finalizeGroup()
        : isKeyOf(lookahead, Scanner.comparatorStartChars)
        ? parseBound(s, lookahead)
        : lookahead === "%"
        ? parseDivisor(s)
        : lookahead === " "
        ? parseOperator(s)
        : throwInternalError(writeUnexpectedCharacterMessage(lookahead))

export type parseOperator<s extends StaticState> =
    s["unscanned"] extends Scanner.shift<infer lookahead, infer unscanned>
        ? lookahead extends "["
            ? unscanned extends Scanner.shift<"]", infer nextUnscanned>
                ? state.setRoot<s, [s["root"], "[]"], nextUnscanned>
                : error<incompleteArrayTokenMessage>
            : lookahead extends Scanner.BranchToken
            ? state.reduceBranch<s, lookahead, unscanned>
            : lookahead extends ")"
            ? state.finalizeGroup<s, unscanned>
            : lookahead extends Scanner.ComparatorStartChar
            ? parseBound<s, lookahead, unscanned>
            : lookahead extends "%"
            ? parseDivisor<s, unscanned>
            : lookahead extends " "
            ? parseOperator<state.scanTo<s, unscanned>>
            : error<writeUnexpectedCharacterMessage<lookahead>>
        : state.finalize<s>


We accept and encourage pull requests from outside ArkType.

Depending on your level of familiarity with type systems and TS generics, some parts of the codebase may be hard to jump into. That said, there's plenty of opportunities for more straightforward contributions.

If you're planning on submitting a non-trivial fix or a new feature, please create an issue first so everyone's on the same page. The last thing we want is for you to spend time on a submission we're unable to merge.

When you're ready, check out our guide to get started!


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


I'd love to hear about what you're working on and how ArkType can help. Please reach out to

Code of Conduct

We will not tolerate any form of disrespect toward members of our community. Please refer to our Code of Conduct and reach out to immediately if you've seen or experienced an interaction that may violate these standards.


We've been working full-time on this project for over a year and it means a lot to have the community behind us.

If the project has been useful to you and you are in a financial position to do so, please chip in via GitHub Sponsors.

Otherwise, consider sending me an email ( or message me on Discord to let me know you're a fan of ArkType. Either would make my day!

Current Sponsors 🥰



TypeScript's 1:1 validator, optimized from editor to runtime

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 96.5%Language:JavaScript 2.2%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Shell 0.0%