AndDiSa / ART

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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(AndDiSa | Android | Adb) Remote Toolkit

Version 0.2 alpha / 28.03.2013

ART is a toolkit which helps to manage Android devices remotely, i.e. directly from your PC.
Currently the features implemented concentrate on remote backup the android device, i.e. there
are possibilities to backup whole partitions of the device or you can get the content of the
file system(s) as tar file. Other features can/will be added step by step.

There are some preconditions to use the application:
- you need to have a fully working adb environment, i.e.
  - you have installed the lastest drivers and binaries
  - usb debugging is switched on on your device
  - the device is recognized by adb when connected to your pc and running adb devices
  - you have given the permissions to your pc to access your device (Android > 4.2)
- your device needs to be rooted(!)
- you need to have busybox installed on your device

As the toolkit is written using the Java language it's not limited to run on a specific
operating system, but on every system where there is a Java runtime environment and
adb binaries available. I am developing and testing the application on a Linux system,
from time to time I test it on Windows XP, too. Feedback whether ART is working on other
environments / OS or not are welcome ... ;-)
Currently only a command line version of ART is available, i.e. there is no gui yet :-(.
Probably later on there will be a GUI, too, but do not expect one within the next time.
The sources can be found on my GitHub account:
here you can also post issues and/or feature requests.

Ok, now it's time to describe the functionality of the tool a bit more deeply.

1) There are several application modes available. Switching between the different modes
takes place by passing one of the following options to the command line:

		back up parts / all of your android device
		prints a list of available devices
		prints detailed information about the connected device
	 	restores a backup to device (currently not implemented)

	-reboot {recovery | bootloader }
	 	reboots the device (to system, to recovery, to bootloader)

2) Beside the application modes, there are some options which influence the behaviour
of the different modes / adapts the application to the current environment 

	-bd,--baseDir <arg>
		defines the base directory to backup to / restore from
		(default is the current directory)
		print help overview
		use image mode for backup / restore
	-pif,--partitionInfoFile <arg>
		provide a partition information file which is used for identifying the
		partitions / file systems (see description below)
	-s,--serial <arg>
		connect to the device with serial number, only needed when there is
		more then one device connected

		use tar mode for backup / restore
	-td,--tooldir <arg>
		define path to tools directory where adb / fastboot are located
		(if not provided, adb and fastboot must be in the users path (!))
	-tsf,--timeStampFormat <arg>
		create a timestamped sub directory in backup mode using format (e.g. 'yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm')
		Valid format strings are all format strings which are valid for the Java DateFormat method

3) Partition names / file system names
	Unfortunately the storage of different Android devices is partitioned in many different ways
	and there is no unique name how a partition is named. For example the recovery partition some-
	times is names RECOVERY, sometimes SOS. The cache partition sometimes is called CACHE, sometimes
	CAC and so on. Even worse, also the location is different on different devices.
	ART shall be usable not only for one or two specific devices, but should support almost all
	android devices, so there is the chance to provide a partition information file which contains
	the required information. The partition information file is primary a XML file which contains a
	map of device names with a list of partition information entries related to it.
	The map key is the device name, which is derived from /proc/cpuinfo.

	Each partition contains several attributes. Currently only a few attributes are really used:
	- partitionName (the name to be passed as parameter to ART)
	- flashFileName (if empty, partitionName will be used as backup)
	- deviceName (low level name of the device)
	The other attributes currently are not used, but will be most likely in future versions. 

	Here is the partition information file currently embedded into ART. It contains partition
	definitions for Samsung Galaxy S2 (i9100), Nexus 7 and HTC Dream (Google G1):
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="EFS"
	      		flashFileName="efs.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p1" mountPoint="/efs"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="SBL1"
	      		flashFileName="Sbl.bin" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p2"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="SBL2"
	      		flashFileName="" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p3"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="j4fs" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="PARAM"
	      		flashFileName="param.lfs" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p4"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="KERNEL"
	      		flashFileName="zImage" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p5"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="RECOVERY"
	      		flashFileName="" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p6"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="CACHE"
	      		flashFileName="cache.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p7" mountPoint="/cache"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="MODEM"
	      		flashFileName="modem.bin" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p8"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="FACTORYFS"
	      		flashFileName="factoryfs.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p9" mountPoint="/system"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="DATAFS"
	      		flashFileName="data.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p10" mountPoint="/data"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="UMS"
	      		flashFileName="" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p11" mountPoint="/sdcard"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="HIDDEN"
	      		flashFileName="hidden.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p12" mountPoint="/preload"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="12288" partitionName="SOS"
	      		flashFileName="recovery.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p1"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="8192" partitionName="LNX"
	      		flashFileName="boot.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p2"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="665600" partitionName="APP"
	      		flashFileName="system.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p3" mountPoint="/system"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="453632" partitionName="CAC"
	      		flashFileName="cache.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p4" mountPoint="/cache"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="512" partitionName="MSC"
	      		flashFileName="misc.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p5"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="10240" partitionName="USP"
	      		flashFileName="bootloader.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p6"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="5120" partitionName="PER"
	      		flashFileName="" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p7"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="512" partitionName="MDA"
	      		flashFileName="" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p8"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="ext4" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="UDA"
	      		flashFileName="userdata.img" deviceName="/dev/block/mmcblk0p9" mountPoint="/data"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="yaffs2" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="misc"
	      		flashFileName="misc.img" deviceName="/dev/mtd/mtd0ro"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="yaffs2" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="recovery"
	      		flashFileName="recovery.img" deviceName="/dev/mtd/mtd1ro"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="yaffs2" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="boot"
	      		flashFileName="boot.img" deviceName="/dev/mtd/mtd2ro"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="yaffs2" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="system"
	      		flashFileName="system.img" deviceName="/dev/mtd/mtd3ro" mountPoint="/system"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="yaffs2" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="cache"
	      		flashFileName="cache.img" deviceName="/dev/mtd/mtd4ro" mountPoint="/cache"/>
	      <PartitionInfo type="yaffs2" startBlock="0" blockCount="0" partitionName="userdata"
	      		flashFileName="userdata.img" deviceName="/dev/mtd/mtd5ro" mountPoint="/data"/>

Now lets have a look at some examples how to use ART:
	1) List connected devices
		$ -devices
		connected devices:
	2) Backup recovery partition of the connected device as an image
		$ -backup -i -td /export/toolsdir/ -bd /backups -tsf yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm RECOVERY
		transferring /backups/2013-03-20-20-00/RECOVERY.img...................finished
		size: 8193939 
		transferring /backups/2013-03-20-20-00/RECOVERY.img.md5.finished
		Beside the image backup itself, a file containing the md5 hash value of the backup file
		will be created and a verification of the transferred file with the md5 sum takes place!

	3) Backup /system as a tar file
		$ -backup -t -td /export/toolsdir/ -bd /backups -tsf yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm /system
		transferring /backups/2013-03-20-20-00/system.tar...................finished
		size: 458119938
		transferring /backups/2013-03-20-20-00/system.tar.md5.finished
	4) Backup system partition of the connected device passing a partition table 
		$ -backup -i -td /export/toolsdir/ -bd /backups -tsf yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm -pif /config/i9100.pif RECOVERY
		transferring /backups/2013-03-20-20-00/RECOVERY.img...................finished
		size: 8193939 
		transferring /backups/2013-03-20-20-00/RECOVERY.img.md5.finished

	5) Reboot device 
		$ -reboot 



Language:Java 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%