Anatoli-Petrosyants / TCA_showcase_shop

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Shop Application with TCA

Welcome to the Shop Application project, a showcase of building a shopping app using The Composable Architecture (TCA). This project demonstrates the power of TCA, Core Data integration, and networking capabilities by fetching data from


  • Products List: Browse a wide range of products with details and prices.
  • Wishlist: Add your favorite products to the wishlist for later.
  • Basket: Keep track of the items you want to purchase.
  • Notifications: Receive notifications about new products and promotions.
  • Account: Manage your user account and settings.

Upcoming Features

  • Migrate TCA Library: Upgrade TCA library to the latest version for improved functionality.
  • SwiftData Integration: Implement SwiftData for storing products in the basket.
  • Custom Transitions: Introduce custom transitions for detail screens.

Technologies Used

  • The Composable Architecture (TCA): A functional and declarative Swift framework for building scalable and maintainable applications.
  • Core Data: Used for local storage and managing user data.
  • Networking: Fetch product data from
  • SwiftUI: The framework for building the user interface.
