AnastasiaProkaieva / e2e-mlops-demo

E2E MLOps with Databricks

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E2E MLOps demo with Databricks

This is the source code for the E2E MLOps on Databricks blogpost series.

Local environment setup

For local operations (e.g. development / running tests), you'll need Python 3.9.X, pip and conda for package management.

  1. Instantiate a local Python environment via a tool of your choice. This example is based on conda, but you can use any environment management tool:
conda create -n e2e_mlops_demo python=3.9
conda activate e2e_mlops_demo
  1. If you don't have JDK installed on your local machine, install it (in this example we use conda-based installation):
conda install -c conda-forge openjdk=11.0.15
  1. Install project in a dev mode (this will also install dev requirements):
pip install -e ".[dev]"

Running unit tests

For unit testing, please use pytest:

pytest tests/unit --cov

Please check the directory tests/unit for more details on how to use unit tests. In the tests/unit/ you'll also find useful testing primitives, such as local Spark instance with Delta support, local MLflow and DBUtils fixture.

Model training scalability testing results

General considerations:

  • Tests performed on Azure Databricks Jobs cluster with Databricks ML Runtime 11.1.x-cpu-ml-scala2.12.
  • Cluster nodes were pre-warmed to avoid VM startup time effects.
  • Average worker node utilization was around 85-90% during the active training phase.
  • Since num_estimators was also one of the parameters in XGBoost, it might happen that some tasks were heavier than others. However, most of the training results chose num_estimators in range from 80 to 100.

Configuration details:

Parameter Value and comments
Dataset size 29 double columns in X, train rows: 454881, test rows: 56962
Driver and worker type Standard_F8s_v2 (8 cores, no GPU, details)
Additional Spark Configurations spark.task.cpus=8 so XGBoost could fully utilise all cores (n_jobs=-1)
Total model evaluations 100


Number of workers Time taken (human-readable) Time taken (seconds)
14 9m 54s 585
10 11m 54s 714
6 16m 55s 1015
2 43m 49s 2629
1 1h 25m 33s 5133

CI/CD setup

  • To trigger the CI pipeline, simply push your code to the repository.
  • To trigger the release pipeline, get the current version from the e2e_mlops_demo/ file and tag the current code version:
git tag -a v<new-version> -m "Release tag for version <new-version>"
git push origin --tags