AnarchoTechNYC / ansible-role-prosody

:computer::speech_balloon: Install and configure a Prosody XMPP server.

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An Ansible role for installing and configuring a Prosody server. Notably, this role has been tested with Raspbian on Raspberry Pi hardware. This role's purpose is to make it simple to install and configure an XMPP server in a variety of small- to medium-sized deployments.

Prosody server configuration

To configure a Prosody server, several default variables are defined:

  • prosody_server_username: The OS-level user account name under which Prosody will run. This defaults to prosody. Don't change this if you are installing Prosody from the project's deb file, as this is the name of the account that is packaged with the Prosody distribution.
  • prosody_server_data_dir: Path to the directory in which Prosody will store user information. This defaults to /var/lib/{{ prosody_server_username }}, which is also the prosody user's default $HOME directory.
  • prosody_server_run_dir: Path to the server's runtime directory, which stores ephemeral files used while the server is running. This defaults to /var/run/{{ prosody_server_username }}.
  • prosody_plugins_src_base_url: Base HTTP URL of the Prosody plugins (modules) repository from which to download new modules.
  • prosody_plugins: List of community Prosody plugins to install. Defaults to the empty list ([]). To have any effect, you must also set the prosody_config.plugins_path variable, described below. Each item in this list is a dictionary with the following structure:
    • name: Name of the plugin to download and install.
    • state: Whether the plugin should be installed (present, the default), or uninstalled (absent).
    • version: Branch or commit of the version of the community plugin to download and install.
    • checksum: Optional verification digest in <algorithm>:<digest> notation to compare the downloaded plugin file against. For example, sha1:6d84b4f4d5108bce25fa9103157ddfc519362460. See the checksum parameter for Ansible's get_url module for details.
  • prosody_plugin_paths: List of additional directories searched for Prosody plugins (modules) to load. Defaults to ["/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules"].
  • prosody_virtualhost_onions: List of Onion services exposing a Prosody-backed service. Each item in this list is a dictionary with the following structure:
    • name: Name of the Tor Onion service whose hostname file to read for additional (.onion) domains to add as Prosody VirtualHosts.
    • options: Dictionary of Prosody configuration options, same as the prosody_config.VirtualHosts variable described below, with which to configure the given Prosody VirtualHost Onion service.

The bulk of Prosody's configuration is handled by a dictionary variable called prosody_config. It describes the state of the Prosody server configuration file. The dictionary's keys map almost one-to-one to the variables in the Prosody server configuration file.

An exception is the VirtualHosts key, which is a list of dictionaries each describing a Prosody VirtualHost to configure. Another exception is the Components key, which is a list of dictionaries describing a given Prosody Component. Components must have a hostname key, and one of either plugin (for internal components) or secret (for external components). They may optionally also contain an options list, which is a dictionary of component options and their values.

Since the exact structure of the prosody_config dictionary is not always predictable (e.g., a given option may be defined as part of a VirtualHost-specific configuration rather than in the Prosody configuration's global section, or said option may be relevant only to a certain Prosody module), numerous convenience variables provide more easily accessible names for these cases. For example prosody_http_files_dir is a role default top-level variable that you can use as the default for the http_files_dir option wherever it may happen to appear under prosody_config.

Among these convenience variables are:

  • prosody_admins: List of bare JabberIDs (e.g., granted administrative privileges. This can be used as the value of the admins configuration option in either the global section or a given VirtualHost. Defaults to an empty list ([]).
  • prosody_allow_registration: Boolean indicating whether user registration is enabled by default. Defaults to false.
  • prosody_c2s_require_encryption: Boolean indicating whether the server should enforce encrypted (STARTTLS) connections. Defaults to true.
  • prosody_c2s_ports: List of ports to listen on for connections from XMPP clients. Defaults to [5222].
  • prosody_s2s_require_encryption: Boolean indicating whether the server should enforce encrypted (STARTTLS) connections with other XMPP servers. Defaults to true.
  • prosody_s2s_ports: List of ports to listen on for connections from other XMPP servers. Defaults to [5269].
  • prosody_s2s_secure_auth: Boolean indicating whether or to restrict authentication of other XMPP servers to their presented TLS certificates. Defaults to true.
  • prosody_modules_enabled: List of Prosody modules to enable. This can be used as the value of the modules_enabled configuration option in either the global section or a given VirtualHost.
  • prosody_modules_disabled: List of Prosody modules to disable. This can be used as the value of the modules_disabled configuration option in either the global section or a given VirtualHost. Defaults to an empty list ([]).
  • prosody_http_files_dir: Path to a directory from which Prosody's various HTTP modules should serve static files, i.e., the Prosody HTTP server document root.
  • prosody_virtualhosts: List of Prosody VirtualHosts dictionaries. This is used as the default value of the prosody_config.VirtualHosts key and can be used to override (or append to) the Prosody VirtualHosts list by a group- or host-specific inventory. The following example shows how to override the prosody_config.VirtualHosts key as well as how to extend (append to) the prosody_plugins list from a group variables file.
    # In `group_vars/all.yaml` file.
      - domain:
    # In `group_vars/public_chat_servers.yaml` file.
    # Add the `mod_bookmarks` and `mod_default_bookmarks` plugins
    # for Prosody servers in this group.
    prosody_plugins: "{{ prosody_plugins + [{name: bookmarks}, {name: default_bookmarks}] }}"
    # Override the Prosody configuration for VirtualHosts.
      - domain:
        default_bookmarks: # Configure `mod_default_bookmarks` plugin.
          - jid: ""
    The above configuration will result in the VirtualHost being configured for all servers except those in the public_chat_servers Ansible inventory group. The latter group will have all the same Prosody modules installed, as well as the bookmarks and default_bookmarks community modules. On hosts in the public_chat_servers Ansible inventory group, the configured Prosody VirtualHost will be and will include a default_bookmarks configuration.
  • prosody_components: List of Prosody Components dictionaries. This is used as the default value of the prosody_config.Components key and can be used to override (or append to) the Prosody Components list in a similar fashion as the prosody_virtualhosts list can. Defaults to [].

Refer to the defaults/main.yaml file for a complete accounting of these variables.

It may be helpful to see a few examples.

  1. Default Prosody installation:
      admins: []
        - roster
        - saslauth
        - tls
        - dialback
        - disco
        - carbons
        - pep
        - private
        - blocklist
        - vcard
        - version
        - uptime
        - time
        - ping
        - register
        - admin_adhoc
      modules_disabled: []
      allow_registration: false
      c2s_require_encryption: true
      s2s_require_encryption: true
      s2s_secure_auth: false
      pidfile: "{{ prosody_server_run_dir }}/"
      authentication: internal_hashed
      archive_expires_after: "1w"
      certificates: certs
        - domain: localhost
    This is equivalent to the Prosody 0.10 configuration file that ships with the project. If the above settings are what you desire, you need not include a prosody_config dictionary at all.
  2. Prosody server responsible for two domains (localhost and open-registration.local), the latter of which allows in-band XMPP account registration while the former does not:
      - admin@localhost
    allow_registration: false
      - domain: localhost
      - domain: open-registration.local
        allow_registration: true
  3. Prosody server with SQL-backed data store on PostgreSQL:
    storage: sql
      driver: PostgreSQL
      database: prosody_db
      host: localhost
      port: 3306
      username: prosody
      password: your_password
  4. Prosody server with certain user data pieces split across multiple storage backends:
    default_storage: internal
      accounts: sql
      roster: sql
      driver: MySQL
      database: prosody_db
      host: localhost
      port: 3306
      username: prosody
      password: your_password
    The above will store user accounts and passwords, as well as user contact lists (rosters) in the MySQL database on the localhost, but other data, such as user's own profile information (vCards), will use the default internal (filesystem-based) storage backend.
  5. Simple multi-user chat (MUC) server with a few non-default options configured:
      - hostname:
        plugin: muc
          max_history_messages: 5
          muc_room_default_language: es
          restrict_room_creation: local
  6. Simple MUC-enabled server using the ConverseJS Web-based chat front-end served via both HTTP and HTTPS on their alternate ports (8080 and 8443), using the server root as the ConverseJS endpoint, with in-band user registration enabled:
      - name: conversejs
        version: tip
        - /usr/local/lib/prosody/modules
        - saslauth
        - tls
        - disco
        - register
        - pep
        - roster
        - carbons
        - vcard # Optional, but needed for ConverseJS avatar support.
      allow_registration: true
      pidfile: "{{ prosody_server_run_dir }}/"
      authentication: internal_hashed
        - 8080
        - 8443
        - domain:
            - conversejs
            conversejs: "/"
            view_mode: fullscreen
            # This script provides Signal Protocol support (needed for OMEMO).
            - '<script src=""></script>'
            - hostname:
              plugin: muc
                restrict_room_creation: local
      - jid:
        password: password
      - jid:
        password: password
    The above configuration will ensure that can log in via the ConverseJS Web front-end at with their initial account password of password, as well as providing a registration link for new users.

Configuring Prosody VirtualHosts

A single Prosody XMPP server can serve multiple domains. That is to say, if your server is addressable on but you want your users to have JabberIDs in the form of, you can configure Prosody with as a VirtualHost to claim responsibility for it, even though the server itself is available only at To do so, you will need to configure Prosody VirtualHosts.

In the prosody_config dictionary, a VirtualHosts list provides an interface to configuring any number of Prosody VirtualHosts. For the most part, an item in the VirtualHosts list is equivalent to a VirtualHost-specific configuration that overrides the same setting in the global configuration dictionary. This allows you to create a default (global) configuration that can have per-host overrides.

Each VirtualHost dictionary further accepts the following additional keys:

  • domain: The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VirtualHost.
  • state: Can be present (the default if undefined), in which case the VirtualHost-specific configuration will be written to disk, or absent, in which case it will be removed.
  • enabled: Boolean that determines whether or not the VirtualHost will be active (loaded by Prosody and symlinked to the virtualhosts-enabled directory). Defaults to true if left undefined.

Enabling and disabling Prosody VirtualHost configurations

Individual VirtualHost configurations are stored in the /etc/prosody/virtualhosts-available directory when their state is set to present. For example, if you have a VirtualHost with a domain of, the file /etc/prosody/virtualhosts-available/ will be written. If this VirtualHost is also enabled, that file will be symlinked from /etc/prosody/virtualhosts-enabled/ The main prosody configuration file (/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua) Include's any file ending in .cfg.lua in the directory /etc/prosody/virtualhosts-enabled when the prosody_config.VirtualHost key is defined.

You can manually disable a Prosody VirtualHost by removing the symbolic link pointing to the VirtualHost configuration file and then reloading the server:

sudo -u prosody rm /etc/prosody/virtualhosts-enabled/otherdomain.cfg.lua
sudo prosodyctl reload

Configuring Prosody user accounts

You can define a list of user accounts to ensure are present or absent from the Prosody server using the prosody_users list. The items in this list are dictionaries that describe the user account's properties. The keys of this dictionary are as follows:


:computer::speech_balloon: Install and configure a Prosody XMPP server.