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Leetcode Questions Practice

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# Title Sol Companies Difficulty Time Space Tags
1 Two Sum   Easy O(nlogn) O(1) Array, Hash Table
2 Add Two Numbers   Medium O(max(m,n)) O(1) Linked List, Math, Recursion
5 Longest Palindromic Substring   Medium O(n²) O(n²) String, DP
20 Valid Parentheses   Easy O(n) O(n) String, Stack
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists   Easy O(n) O(n) Linked List, Recursion
23 Merge K Sorted Lists   Hard O(nlogk) O(n) Linked List, Divide And Conquer, Priority Queue, Merge Sort
42 Trapping Rain Water   Hard O(n) O(1) Array, Two Pointers, DP, Stack
127 Word Ladder   Hard O(nm²) O(nm) BFS, Hash Table, String
138 Copy List With Random Pointers   Medium O(n) O(1) Hash Table, Linked List
146 LRU Cache   Medium O(1) O(1) Hash Table, Linked List, Design, Doubly Linked List
200 Number Of Islands   Medium O(mn) O(min(m,n)) Array, BFS, DFS, Matrix, Union Find
295 Find Median From Data Stream   Hard O(logn) O(n) Two Pointers, Design, Sorting, Priority Queue, Data Stream
297 Serialize And Deserialize Binary Tree   Hard O(n) O(n) String, Tree, Dfs, Bfs, Design, Binary Tree
692 Top K Frequent Words   Medium O(nlogn) O(n) Hash Table, String, Trie, Sorting, Priority Queue, Bucket Sort, Counting
763 Partition Labels   Medium O(n) O(n) Hash Table, Two Pointers, String, Greedy
819 Most Common Word   Easy O(n+m) O(n+m) Hash Table, String
937 Reorder Data In Log Files   Easy O(nlogn) O(n) Array, String, Sorting
973 K Closest Points To Origin   Medium O(nlogn) O(n) Array, Math, Divide And Conquer, Geometry, Sorting, Priority Queue, Quick Select
994 Rotting Oranges   Medium O(mn) O(mn) Array, BFS, Matrix
1192 Critical Connections In A Network   Hard O(E+V) O(E+V) DFS, Graph, Biconnected Components


Leetcode Solutions


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