Jose Tollinchi's repositories


This App fetches the transaction information of a crypto wallet from the blockchain and displays it on the screen as useful analytical data. The user is able to save multiple wallets that he/she is tracking and also able to view multiple assets (currencies) held in the wallet.



This is an application that fetches historical data on 1 index, 4 stocks, and 2 crypto currencies and performs analytical calculations to assist in conducting a relative analysis between the index and the crypto currencies to determine if a relationship exists and the type of relationship for the purpose of conducting portfolio analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation for forecasting potential future returns.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:3Issues:3Issues:0


This app fetches a Smart Contract's ABI from the blockchain based on the contract address. You need an Infura project-key. It fetches on the Kovan Network, if you want to fetch the MainNet then you need to switch the infura end-point to the mainnet. It is critical that you make sure the contract address is the right address for the network you are using.



This App fetches the transaction information of two crypto addresses from the blockchain, finds if the two addresses have exchanged transactions, and displays the results on the screen. The user will eventually be able to select from 3 choices: Transactions, ERC20, and ERC21. CSS is not the focus of this project so I'm using the basic React CSS with minor modifications. It will initially focus on the Ethereum Chain.



This app is the front-end for the Enzyme-bot and the Enzyme-protocol. It provides a UI to execute bot-trade functions and display data about the trade and data about the user's Enzyme Vault. The Enzyme-bot and the Enzyme-protocol are repositories in GitHub and the links are placed below. I started the project as a means to learn Web3, Solidity, and Smart Contract coding and in the end I also learned TypeScript. I also built this front-end as part of a DeFi Summer hackathon so I can develop, learn, and code under a deadline.



This application compares the performance of Unsupervised machine learning models and Supervised models. It downloads 3 yrs of market daily close data from all SP500 companies and divides them into Sectors to be used as features for learning and training the data, in order to predict wether the index will be a Buy or Sell the next day. The results are evaluated to determine each model's performance and the metrics are presented along with the analysis.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:3Issues:0


This is your one-stop-shop to view actionable market data. This indicator is a Dashboard that displays market information and analytical data on the markets, directly on the broker platform. No need to switch between charts or websites looking at dozens of indicators. When used combined as a strategy the user gets real-time analysis of market conditions across many markets and this provides a better overall picture of true market conditions.


This is a machine learning model that predicts whether applicants will be successful if funded by a Venture Capital Firm

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:2Issues:0


This is an Application that trains a model using supervised learning and imbalanced-learn library in order to classify and identify the creditworthiness of borrowers

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


This is an application that uses unsupervised machine learning to cluster crypto currencies with K-means using PCA Data, then visualize and compare the results

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


This project is an app that sorts through historical trade data for Bitcoin on two exchanges: Bitstamp and Coinbase. I then apply the three phases of financial analysis to determine if any arbitrage opportunities existed for Bitcoin.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


This blockchain Fund Me application that accepts ETHER donations from the public based on specific Campaign Objectives and in return we gift the donor with an exclusive FundMe Punks NFT.



This is an Amazon AWS Robo Advisor application that provides investment portfolio recommendations for retirement plans to both existing and potentially new customers, based on client input.



This is an application based on a Solidity smart contract that uses ether management functions to implement a financial institution’s features of a joint savings account. The smart contract accepts two addresses and only these addresses control the joint savings account. The account holders have the ability to deposit and withdraw funds from the account and the smart contract.



This app fetches the logo for Ethereum Tokens and saves them to the image folder in the repo. It does take time so you have to be patient. It's slow in order to prevent an unhandled promise rejection. You need to create a folder named image in your repo



This is an An application that pulls and analyzes ETF data from a database

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


This blockchain project is to provide a basic introduction to Blockchain development with JavaScript, Python, and Solidity



This App helps you evaluate your financial health and its broken down into two planning strategies.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


This is an application that customers can use to find FinTech professionals from among a list of candidates, hire them, and pay them. It integrates the Ethereum blockchain network into the application in order to enable customers to instantly pay the FinTech professionals whom they hire with ETH.



This is an application that can be used to analyze company's financial and user data in clever ways to identify areas to improve and help the company grow. So, you want to find out if the ability to predict search traffic can translate into the ability to successfully trade the stock

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


The main objective of this App is to visualize and analyze the housing rental market datafor San Francisco into the below areas so that a person can make an investment decision. For example, you can look for areas that demand high $$ for rent but you can buy at a lower sale price per square foot.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


This project was a code challenge in my journey to learn Python. I'm iterating through lists and dictionaries in oder to calculate present value and analyzing data to provide information to make buying decisions.



This project is a loan application that prompts the user to enter financial and private data to determine if an applicant qualifies for a loan and the type of loan the applicant qualifies for. It also asks the user to save the qualifying loans as a new CSV file



This is an Application that implements an algorithmic trading strategy that uses machine learning to automate the trade decisions

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


A token in the BSC Testnet so that I test trading apps I'm building on BSC. There are too many scam tokens on BSC and I really couldn't risk to interact with any of them



This app listens for new Pairs being created on a blockchain. You need an Infura project-key, and I used Ankr for Binance blockchain. It fetches on the Kovan Network, MainNet, or Testnet for Ether and Binance networks. If you want to fetch the Ether MAINNET then you need to switch the Infura end-point to the MAINNET and the same for Binance. Binance chain uses MAINNET and TESTNET. It is critical that you make sure the contract address is the right address for the network you are using.



Portfolio for Jose Tollinchi - Analitico



This app helps you determine the fund with the most investment potential based on key risk-management metrics: the daily returns, standard deviations, Sharpe ratios, and beta

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


This a blockchain-based ledger system, complete with a user-friendly Streamlit web interface. This ledger allows the user to conduct financial transactions between senders and receivers, and also verify the integrity of the data in the ledger by checking the previous block's hash.



This is a basic weather data api based application that displays weather condition results of a City search. This project should be suited for developers looking to learn React and are at the Beginner stage, or are having challenges understanding local state management and conditional rendering using useEffect and useState hooks.
