AnAppleCore / I2CN_Lab

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Lab 4 Experiment Steps (keep the 5 VMs alive along the whole porcedure):

1. put the code files and on VM h1, h2, and server, respectively. Or simply download the code files by git:

git clone

2. Run on VM server:


3. Input the IP address and port of the server, following the printed info:

Server IP: < server ip address>
Server Port: < server port number>

4. Run on VM hosts h1 and h2, respectively:


5. Input the IP address and port number of server and host on h1 and h2, respectively and almost SIMULTANEOUSLY. Following the printed texts:

Server IP: < server ip address>
Server Port: < server port number>
Client IP: < host ip address in the (r, h) subnet>
Client Port: < host port number>

6. Then if the following line is printed on both side of hosts, the traversal succeeds:

 -----Traversal succeed!----- 
    lport   raddr           rport
    xxxxx   xx.xx.xx.xx     xxxx

7. The direct communication between h1 and h2 without server starts, to valid the success of traversal

(1) Decide h1 -> h2 or h2 -> h1, by typing 'Y' or 'N'

(2) If decide to send data, then type the message data after "Input data:", else waits for the packet from the other host

(3) upon receiveing the packet messge, the data and its source IP will be output on the screen to valid the succcess of traversal

(4) If invalid key value is read, try again

Lab 5 Experiment steps (keep 2 VMs alive along the whole porcedure):

Maker sure that hosts A (dns) and B (test) are connected by a host-only network and all the following steps must be executed as root. In virtual machines A and B, all the code files and scripts are included in the directory: /home/aac/I2CN_lab/ . One can simply git clone this reposiroty to the target directory. Here's a brief introduction to the files:

a script to transform a image file into a acsii art file. This script comes from the blog One can run this script by executing:

python3 --file test.jpg --out out.txt -c --morelevels


specify the name for each ip address

the script to run on the hosts A, in which the chain is built up

the script to run on the hosts B, in which the traceroute command is executed

the script to produce


the test image to produce the ascii art, which has size 500x500


In the vitual machines lab5-A and lab5-B, all the corresponding packages have been installed:

(1) install dnsmasq on host A

(2) install traceroute

(3) install python3 and numpy, PIL packages (these are needed when running

step 1 run the following command on host A as root

sh /home/aac/I2CN_lab/

step 2 traceroute on host B, run the following command on host B as root

sh /home/aac/I2CN_lab/

step 3 if everything gose well, the following result can be seen on both A and B:

alt image

figure 1 result on VM A

alt image

figure 2 result on VM B



Language:Shell 87.8%Language:Python 12.2%