AmyPhung / min_variance_calibration

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Minimum Variance Calibration

Build Status

Build Status

Build Dependencies


  • cd ~/catkin_ws/src
  • git clone
  • cd ~/catkin_ws/
  • rosdep install -iry --from-paths src
  • catkin build


  • Requires properly formatted initial params yaml file, bag containing calibration data & robot_description
  • rosrun min_variance_calibration RunCalibrationServer
  • rosrun min_variance_calibration


  • rosrun tf view_frames
  • killall -9 rviz
  • killall -9 roscore
  • killall -9 rosmaster
  • rosmsg show PointLabeled
  • known bug: when ROS time jumps backwards (i.e. when the bag restarts), the tfs don't like that - when this happens, just close everything and re-run
  • To debug docker build
    • sudo docker ps -a
    • sudo docker commit 6934ada98de6 (change number based on ps -a output)
    • sudo docker run -it 7015687976a4 bash -il (change number based on commit output)
    • source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash (needed to run catkin_make)
    • after navigating to correct directory catkin_make
    • Ctrl + d to logout


  • Document launch files, scripts
  • Add node args
  • Add args for sim time/make sure it works realtime
  • create shared functions
  • synchronize calibration data collection
  • create launch files
  • document data formats
  • somehow determine effect of encoder noise
  • Add back in fisheye tf
  • add orientation as calibration data



Language:Python 56.0%Language:C++ 39.3%Language:CMake 3.2%Language:Dockerfile 1.4%