Alejandro's repositories


Bitcoincharts triangular arbitrage finder This script downloads full market depth on several exchanges and detects triangular arbitrage opportunities.



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Browser Security Handbook Written and maintained by Michal Zalewski <>. Copyright 2008, 2009 Google Inc, rights reserved. Released under terms and conditions of the CC-3.0-BY license. Table of Contents → Part 1: Basic concepts behind web browsers → Part 2: Standard browser security features → Part 3: Experimental and legacy security mechanisms Introduction Hello, and welcome to the Browser Security Handbook! This document is meant to provide web application developers, browser engineers, and information security researchers with a one-stop reference to key security properties of contemporary web browsers. Insufficient understanding of these often poorly-documented characteristics is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of several classes of security vulnerabilities. Although all browsers implement roughly the same set of baseline features, there is relatively little standardization - or conformance to standards - when it comes to many of the less apparent implementation details. Furthermore, vendors routinely introduce proprietary tweaks or improvements that may interfere with existing features in non-obvious ways, and seldom provide a detailed discussion of potential problems. The current version of this document is based on the following versions of web browsers: | Browser | Version | Test date | Usage* | Notes | |:--------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------| | Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 | 6.0.2900.5512 | Feb 2, 2009 | 16% | | | Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 | 7.0.5730.11 | Dec 11, 2008 | 11% | | | Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 | 8.0.6001.18702 | Sep 7, 2010 | 28% | | | Mozilla Firefox 2 | | Nov 28, 2008 | 1% | | | Mozilla Firefox 3 | 3.6.8 | Sep 7, 2010 | 22% | | | Apple Safari | 4.0 | Jun 10, 2009 | 5% | | | Opera | 9.62 | Nov 18, 2008 | 2% | | | Google Chrome | 7.0.503.0 | Sep 7, 2010 | 8% | | | Android embedded browser | SDK 1.5 R3 | Oct 3, 2009 | n/a | | * Approximate browser usage data based on public Net Applications estimates for August 2010. Disclaimers and typographical conventions Please note that although we tried to make this document as accurate as possible, some errors might have slipped through. Use this document only as an initial reference, and independently verify any characteristics you wish to depend upon. Test cases for properties featured in this document are freely available for download. The document attempts to capture the risks and security considerations present for general populace of users accessing the web with default browser settings in place. Although occasionally noted, the degree of flexibility offered through non-standard settings is by itself not a subject of this comparative study. Through the document, red color is used to bring attention to browser properties that seem particularly tricky or unexpected, and need to be carefully accounted for in server-side implementations. Whenever status quo appears to bear no significant security consequences and is well-understood, but a particular browser implementation takes additional steps to protect application developers, we use green color to denote this, likewise. Rest assured, neither of these color codes implies that a particular browser is less or more secure than its counterparts. Acknowledgments Browser Security Handbook would not be possible without the ideas and assistance from the following contributors: Filipe Almeida Brian Eaton Chris Evans Drew Hintz Nick Kralevich Marko Martin Tavis Ormandy Wladimir Palant David Ross Marius Schilder Parisa Tabriz Julien Tinnes Berend-Jan Wever Mike Wiacek The document builds on top of previous security research by Adam Barth, Collin Jackson, Amit Klein, Jesse Ruderman, and many other security experts who painstakingly dissected browser internals for the past few years.



smartcoin Remote bitcoin mining management software SmartCoin - Simple Miner Administration for Remote Terminals As the name implies, this is a full-blown administration system for miners that is specifically designed with terminals in mind (remote ssh shell access, etc.). It is also so much more - its a full load-balanced system that tracks all of the miner instances on a machine, and reports everything on one easy to view screen. The idea is to spread many miner instances across several GPUs for multiple pools (and even solo!) on one machine (i'm mining to 4 concurrent pools as we speak. If any one of them goes down, the system re-balances its self with any remaining good pools, and my hashing power remains the same). SmartCoin also makes automated deployments a breeze - it can start everything up (according to "mapping rules") at boot up, and makes it simple to restart an entire array of miners. You can even change settings on the fly and watch as the system magically adjusts itsself. SmartCoin is fully backed by a MySql database, and written in 100% linux CLI tools (bash, sed, awk). Another neat perk to this, is that you can put a small percentage of your hashing power into solo mining if you like, while you're mining to several pools at once! This is NOT a proxy - its a load balancing system that does not interfere with Long Polling or suffer from any other problems experienced with proxies.



simple moneda cripto



A wireshark dissector for the bitcoin protocol.



Bitcoin Improvement Proposals



Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree



A wireshark dissector for the bitcoin protocol Google Colab



A web-based demonstration of blockchain concepts.



las raices del bitcoin son profundas ya que reposa en hombros de gigantes



A software framework for rapid development and deployment of Satellite based Earth Observation Services, based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform



Debugging extensions for Microsoft Edge and other Chromium-based browsers



WIP: A wireshark plugin to analyze communication between lightning network nodes



Malicious traffic detection system



Home for explainer documents originated by the Microsoft Edge team



An attempt at Process Doppelgänging



Demonstrates public / private key pairs and signing in a blockchain context. This is part 2 of my Blockchain 101 video explainer.



sefu-coin-bank Secure Cryptocoin Wallet Manager Sefu Coin Bank is a secure cryptocoin wallet manager that supports the following coins: -Bitcoin -Litecoin -Namecoin



OpenSSH <=6.6 SFTP misconfiguration universal exploit



Generic Signature Format for SIEM Systems



Network Infrastructure Penetration Testing Tool



Tunna is a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP. It can be used to bypass network restrictions in fully firewalled environments.



The cyberspace as a Vectorial space



Pure JavaScript port of the Krypto Kit wallet JavaScript port of the Krypto Kit chrome extension wallet. The Wallet runs in the browser so no plug-in is required. Static file hosting is all that is required (see the link below). Ensure https is used to protect against DNS a spoofing attack that could compromise your private key. IN DEVELOPMENT For testing only. Don't use this for any real funds. After you have a wallet, refresh the page to verify that your information loads back into the program. This project is not affiliated with the Krypto Kit chrome plugin.


Open Whisper Systems Project Website



BTC + BitHub = An experiment in funding privacy OSS.
