Amritbani Sondhi's repositories


Implemented degree, closeness, betweenness and eigenvector centrality in python with and without Networkx Library. Created a network graph, with node size relative to the eigen vector centralities of the nodes. It uses Numpy, Matplotlib, Networkx and itertools libraries for fulfilling the requirements.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:11Issues:2Issues:0


It detects the communities within a twitter network. It does this by first getting the friends and followers and then detecting the reciprocal friends. It then again gets the friends and followers of the top 5 reciprocal friends list and creates a network on which the communities are detected

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:7Issues:2Issues:0


Developed an application which logs all the error and exception details in the database and maintains log files on the Server. The database is maintained with Code First approach. It consists of an MVC Application, a DLL, another REST Application, with a separate DAL layer, Model-Views which provide different functions in the application. Built using ASP .Net MVC Application with REST Web API; Individual Project



NoSQL Database: Developed a key/ value in-memory database using template class which can have parent- child relationships. It supports addition, deletion of key/value pairs and editing the values of parent as well as child vectors. The database contents can be persisted in an XML file as well as restored back from that file. Supports a no. of queries which returns a collection which match from the list. Built the application using C++ and concepts of object oriented design.



Codes done in the Course of Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms (ADS) : selection_sort, bubble_sort, insertion_sort : using linked_list; 2-D matrices using linked lists : matrix addition and matrix multiplication; Dijkstra's algorithm : using min heap and routing table; Prim’s algorithm : using min heap and MST table; In-place Merge Sort : using linked list; AVL tree : add_node, remove_node 2-3-4 tree : add_node, remove_node; AVL Tree - height_adjustment; merge_function - using linked list


Created with the thought of serving the community for achieving a greater purpose. CommServeApp lets you, the users to like, favourite and post data, pictures and location. Users can check what is needed and where you can make a difference. The app is built using iOS Swift on XCode. It uses Firebase for user authentication and storage. It also saves the user session data, so if the app is deleted, it will re-log in using the session data. The app follows MVC model, using MapKit, Camera and ImageViewer libraries with Collection, Table and Custom Views.



Developed an iOS app using a TMDb API to retrieve popular, trending and now showing movies and their details. Implemented user login, authentication, camera, UIImagePicker and other features.



Classified and predicted the image ratings using a simple model of deep convolutional neural networks. Formulated a set of 250 high quality peer rated pictures which achieved an accuracy of 66.8%

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Prototype 1 for Remote Build Server Project shows how the compilation would be done



Performed Sentiment Analysis and analyzed the opinions of about 5000 tweets, using Tweepy, NLTK libraries. Presented the results for positive, negative and neutral, using Sankey, Word Cloud and Choropleth visualizations.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


Developed a robust Federation, consisting of a Mock GUI Client, a Mock Repository, a Remote Build Server and a Test Harness. Each component is a REST Service which communicates with each other by exchanging messages through proper channels. The Client selects and keeps files in the repository and asks the Build Server to compile and the Test Harness to execute. Appropriate Log files and results are sent to the Client. Built using C# .Net, WCF and WPF; Individual Project



Prototype 2 build on the extended version of Prototype 1 for Remote Build Server Project

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


Comm Prototype 3, the extended version of Builder-Prototype-2, embeds process pooling in the Mother Builder for compilation process, GUI Prototype and communication system for keeping each of the Server remotely



Uses ResNet dataset and classifies humans and breeds of dogs.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Functional JavasScript implementation of Snake for the web and terminal.



A simple Die game developed with the help of Storyboards and basic attributes of Swift in XCode



This app uses UIViews, UITableViews, NavigationController and other Swift MVC features to show all the movies present in the TMDB. It connects with the TMDB dev API and shows the movie details with posters and pictures on the go.



Implemented dependency analysis that is stored in a generic NoSQL DB and publishes code files as HTML pages. Established communication between Client and Publisher using win32 Socket classes, C++ and CLI proxy layer. Generated XML files containing the results of the analysis Deliverables: Client GUI in WPF and source code in C++



SMART on FHIR developer tutorial
