Challenge Description:
solution description.
used: JWTAUTH package. GraphQL. composite design pattern. solid principles. unit testing for bill only.
please first you need to create 2 databases 1 for deploy set in .env another for testing and set in .env.testing. please sure you have 2 files in project (.env, .env.testing)
then do these commands : 1: composer install. 2: php artisan migrate --seed. 3: php artisan jwt:secret
note: i used controller to get request and then send it to service, service use classes as need then call repository to call database then return result last controller return response.
contorller call service
service use classes and call repository
all offers and tax in (app/BillClasses(BillClasses implement interface)) everyone has its class. and we have directory app/Helpers for manage all currencies we need to use.
user can set discount for any items but have to has type merchant check middleware merchant and already have to be auth.
to test all in postman you have file in project called taskBill.postman_collection.json import it in postman to use requests.
test in app/tests/Feature/Bill.php
links API's: localhost/bill-task/public/api/products/buyItems // bill proccess you can add currency to change mount just add ?currency=EGY post json: {"items": [{ "id": 1, "count": 2 }, { "id": 4, "count": 1 }, { "id": 3, "count": 1 } ] } header: [{"key":"Content-Type","value":"application/json","description":""}]
localhost/JWTWithCrud/public/api/products/4/createDiscount // add discount to any items just set id and account have to be merchant post data: [{"key":"discount_percentage","value":"10","description":""}] header: [{"key":"Authorization","value":"bearer TOKEN","description":""}]
localhost/bill-task/public/api/auth/login post data: [{"key":"email","value":"","description":""},{"key":"password","value":"123456789","description":""}]