AmrYami / Most_Valuable_Player

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Most Valuable Player

how to run project

in command line go to directory project and please do:

1- composer update

2-cp .env.examble .env

3- php artisan key:generate

then check routes/api and open url.

to add more sports you need to add 3 files first you need to add file in public/sports its has data

second add model in app/Models/{name it as its defined in file sports in first row (camelCase)} this file just split and set,get data and implement interface PlayerInfo

third add new class in app/Composites/SportClasses/{name it as its defined in file sports in first row (camelCase)} this file has logic data and implement interface CalculateData

Code Task: Most Valuable Player

General Rules

We need to create a tournament where several players compete in several sports. Right now, the sports played are basketball and handball matches. We plan to add more sports in the future.

You have been contacted to create a program to calculate the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the given match results.

You will receive a set of files, each one containing the stats of one match. Each file will start with a row indicating the sport it refers to.

Each player is assigned a unique nickname. Each file represent a single match. The MVP is the player with the most rating points.

A player will receive 10 additional rating points if their team won the match. Every match must have a winner team.

The program responsible of generating the files has a bug, that can be reflected in wrong files format. If one file is wrong, the whole set of files is considered to be wrong and the MVP won't be calculated.


Each row will represent one player stats, with the format:

player name;nickname;number;team name;position;scored points;rebounds;assists

This table details the rating points each player in a basketball match receives depending on his position: E.g. a player playing as center with 10 scored points, 5 rebounds and no assists will be granted 25 rating points (10*2 + 5*1 + 0*3). The winner team is the one with more scored points.

Scored point Rebound Assist
Guard (G) 2 3 1
Forward (F) 2 2 2
Center (C) 2 1 3

Basketball Example

  player 1;nick1;4;Team A;G;10;2;7
  player 2;nick2;8;Team A;F;0;10;0
  player 3;nick3;15;Team A;C;15;10;4
  player 4;nick4;16;Team B;G;20;0;0
  player 5;nick5;23;Team B;F;4;7;7
  player 6;nick6;42;Team B;C;8;10;0


Each row will represent one player stats, with the format:

player name;nickname;number;team name;position;goals made;goals received

This table details the rating points each player in a handball match receives depending on his position:

Initial rating points Goal made Goal recieved
Goalkeeper (G) 50 5 -2
Field player (F) 20 1 -1

E.g. a player playing as goalkeeper with 1 goals made and 10 received will be granted 35 rating points (50 + 1*5 - 10*2). The winner team is the one with more scored points.

Handball Example:

  player 1;nick1;4;Team A;G;0;20
  player 2;nick2;8;Team A;F;15;20
  player 3;nick3;15;Team A;F;10;20
  player 4;nick4;16;Team B;G;1;25
  player 5;nick5;23;Team B;F;12;25
  player 6;nick6;42;Team B;F;8;25

What we look at

You have 4 days to complete the task, you should use PHP laravel framework. It is not mandatory to read input from file system. It is acceptable to read from stdin, forms or any other source.

  • We are interested in how you structure your code.
  • The code should be open for extension closed for modification we should be able to add new sport without changing the core calculator.
  • We are interested in seeing how efficient the algorithm you implement is.
  • We are interested in seeing how you unit test your code.

Nice to Have:

  • Dockerize your solution.
  • Struct database schema.

Submit your challenge:

Follow these instructions to submit your challenge:

  • Clone the Challenge Repository
  • Create a dedicated branch
  • Write your Code
  • Commit your Changes
  • Fork the Challenge Repository
  • Issue a Pull Request



Language:PHP 84.0%Language:Blade 15.3%Language:Shell 0.7%