AmrAdel00 / social-app

Information Technology Institute Traninig

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Social Network App Laravel


  • Add Accept: application/json in headers in all requests

  • Add Authorization: Bearer {token} in headers in requests requires Authentication

    Example: Bearer 2|8uPfGUbEQIrVYrht0ag72AgueiTceq54EThxtybB

Model EndPoints Requires Authentication
Authentication Login, Register no
Profile Show, Update yes
Friend Request Friend Requests, Send, Accept, Remove yes
Post Index, Create, Update, Show,Delete yes
Like Like yes
Comment Comment yes
User All Users, Single User yes
Post Comments Show All Post Comments yes


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Showing Authenicated User Data

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All Users That Sent Friend Request to You

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Send Friend Request To Another User

Accept Friend Request

Accept Friend Request

Remove Friend Request

Remove Friend Request (Unfriended)

Index Post

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Create Post With Authenticated User

Update Post

Update Post With Authenticated User

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Information Technology Institute Traninig


Language:PHP 85.5%Language:Blade 13.8%Language:Shell 0.7%