AmphoraProtocol / core

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Amphora Protocol

Deploy (Local)

To deploy the protocol locally and run the deployment script we need to have foundry installed.

  1. Start anvil, which is our local Ethereum node.
anvil -f $MAINNET_RPC --fork-block-number 16784744 --chain-id 1337
  1. After you run anvil, 10 accounts are gonna be auto-generated with their private keys. We can take one of the private keys and use it as the deployer wallet. So, add one of private keys to .env with key DEPLOYER_ANVIL_LOCAL_PRIVATE_KEY.

  2. The we are ready to run the Deploy script.

yarn deploy:local

Run Deposit and Borrow scripts

In order to run the DepositAndBorrow script we will need to have deployed the protocol locally. After that:

  1. Copy the deployed addresses of VaultController and USDA contracts and replace them to their respective variables, VAULT_CONTROLLER_ADDRESS and USDA_ADDRESS, inside the /solidity/test/utils/TestConstants.sol file, under the SCRIPTS sections.

  2. In order to run the scripts we will need some WETH to deposit to the Vault once we mint it. We will use foundry's cast to get some tokens to our address:

    • First we impersonate ourselves as a rich WETH address cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount 0xce0Adbb76A8Ce7224BeC6b586E18743aeB03250A

    • Then we transfer some WETH to our address

      cast send $WETH_ADDRESS \
      --from 0xce0Adbb76A8Ce7224BeC6b586E18743aeB03250A \
      "transfer(address,uint)(bool)" \
  3. Now we should be able to run the scripts. First to mint a new Vault and deposit an amount of WETH we call yarn scripts:deposit.

  4. Finally we will be able to run the borrow script. To borrow an amount of USDA tokens we call yarn scripts:borrow.

Code Coverage (unit tests)

Running forge coverage on the project doesn't work straight away because of a "stack too deep" error in GovernorCharlie contract, for more information on the issue check here. To bypass this problem for now we can do:

  1. Comment the whole Governor.t.sol file in test/unit

  2. In foundry.toml change the path of test to test = './solidity/test/unit'

  3. Run forge coverage -C solidity/contracts/core

Following the steps above will create the summary of the code coverage. If you want to check the detailed report and see line-by-line the code covegare then we can do:

  1. After following steps 1 & 2 from before we can then create the lcov report which will be saved in file

    forge coverage -C solidity/contracts/core --report lcov

  2. Use genhtml to create an html interface that will display the uncovered lines using the lcov report, the html files will be available in the newly created folder report

    genhtml -o report

Build and run docs

  1. Generate and build docs, uses forge doc

yarn docs:build

  1. Run docs locally

yarn docs:run


~~ Structure ~~
├── solidity: All our contracts and interfaces are here
│   ├─── contracts/: All the contracts
│   │    ├─── core/: All core contracts
│   │    │   ├─── VaultController.sol : Can liquidate a vault, pay interest, changes protocol settings
│   │    │   ├─── VaultDeployer.sol : Will mint and deploy new Vaults
│   │    │   ├─── Vault.sol : User's vault, can deposit/withdraw collateral, claim protocol rewards, borrow sUSD
│   │    │   ├─── AMPHClaimer.sol : Contract for managing the liquidity mining program of amphora
│   │    │   ├─── USDA.sol : ERC20, given by the protocol 1:1 ratio when a lender deposits sUSD
│   │    │   └─── WUSDA.sol : Warped version of USDA to interact with other DeFi protocols
│   │    ├─── periphery/: All periphery contracts
│   │    │   │─── oracles
│   │    │   │   ├─── CurveLPOracle.sol : Responsible for getting the price of a curve LP token in USD
│   │    │   │   ├─── AnchoredViewRelay.sol : Oracle implementation that checks price against a relay for an acceptable buffer
│   │    │   │   ├─── CbEthEthOracle.sol : Oracle implementation for the cbeth-eth pool on curve
│   │    │   │   ├─── ChainlinkOracleRelay.sol : Oracle implementation for chainlink aggregators
│   │    │   │   ├─── ChainlinkStalePriceLib.sol : Library for checking price errors on chainlink
│   │    │   │   ├─── ChainlinkTokenOracleRelay.sol : Oracle implementation for chainlink pairs that don't have a USD oracle
│   │    │   │   ├─── CTokenOracle.sol : Oracle implementation for compound tokens
│   │    │   │   ├─── CurveRegistryUtils.sol : Helper to interact with the curve registry
│   │    │   │   ├─── EthSafeStableCurveOracle.sol : Safe curve lp oracle implementation for pairs that hold native ETH
│   │    │   │   ├─── OracleRelay.sol : Base implementation of amphora oracles
│   │    │   │   ├─── StableCurveLpOracle.sol : Oracle implementation for Curve lp stable pairs
│   │    │   │   ├─── TriCrypto2Oracle.sol : Oracle implementation for the tricrypto2 pool on curve
│   │    │   │   ├─── UniswapV3OracleRelay.sol : Oracle implementation for uniswap v3 pairs
│   │    │   │   ├─── UniswapV3TokenOracleRelay.sol : Oracle implementation for uniswap pairs that don't have a USDC oracle
│   │    │   │   ├─── WstEthOracle.sol : Oracle implementation for the wstETH token
│   │    │   │   └─── ETHOracle.sol : Responsible for getting the price of ETH in USD
│   │    │   └─── CurveMaster.sol : The CurveMaster manages the various interest rate curves, used in VaultManagerLogic
│   │    ├─── utils/: Util contracts that are being extended or used by other contracts
│   │    │   ├─── GovernanceStructs.sol : Structs needed to create proposals or governance related transactions
│   │    │   ├─── UFragments.sol : ERC20, extended by USDA, adjusts balances of all USDA holders
│   │    │   └─── ThreeLines0_100.sol : The interest rate curve math for USDA **(NOT SURE ABOUT THIS)**
│   │    ├─── governance/: All contracts that are specific for the governance of the protocol
│   │    │   ├─── AmphoraProtocolToken.sol : Protocol governance token
│   │    │   └─── GovernorCharlie.sol : Governance contract of the protocol
│   ├─── interfaces/: The interfaces of all the contracts (SAME STRUCTURE WITH CONTRACTS)
│   ├─── tests/: All our tests for the contracts
│   │    ├─── e2e/: ...
│   │    └─── unit/: ...


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Solidity 99.3%Language:JavaScript 0.5%Language:Shell 0.2%