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Ammu1492's repositories


A quick start Angular project that shows how to customize the Syncfusion Angular In-Place Editor. This project also includes a code snippet to integrate save and cancel buttons, as well as insights on hiding the buttons and disabling the editing mode.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to add a In Place Editor component to an Angular app. This project also includes a code snippet to integrate other components like the DatePicker, TextBox, and Dropdown List. Finally, I will show you how to change the mode.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to add a Menu Bar component to an Angular app. This project also includes a code snippet to bind hierarchical data, self-referential data and complex data to the menu component.



A quick-start Angular project that contains code to add and customize bubbles in the Syncfusion Angular Maps component. This project also contains code to configure a few of the component’s basic features, like changing bubble type, customizing the bubble, enabling multiple bubble group, and tooltips.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to customize Syncfusion Kanban component. This project also includes a code snippet to customize the Kanban header with icons, the swimlane header with images, and the card with information about the task ID, description, and priority.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to customize Syncfusion Angular Dropdown Tree component. This project also includes a code snippet to customize Syncfusion Angular Dropdown Tree items, add a header and footer for the Dropdown Tree pop-up.



A quick start Vue project that allows you to get started with the Vue Image Editor component from Syncfusion. This project also includes a code snippet to open and save the image using open and save methods of the image editor.



A quick-start Blazor WebAssembly application that is pre-configured with SignalR connection to perform real-time appointment updates on a Blazor Scheduler of Syncfusion.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to create an angular app and configure the Syncfusion Angular Kanban component to it. This project also includes a code snippet to bind local and remote data sources; add and customize a tooltip; set a custom height and width; and change the default layout



A quick-start project that helps you to integrate a MAUI Circular Progress bar control in a .NET MAUI application. This project contains code to display progress in determinate and indeterminate states, break progress bar down into segments, and smoothly animate the progress value as  well as how to customize the progress bar.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to add Angular Dropdown Tree component to the Angular App. This project also includes a code snippet to populate the component with JSON data and remote data sources and how to set a custom height and width for its pop-up, as well as how to enable checkboxes and select multiple nodes at a time



A quick-start project that helps you to integrate a MAUI Linear Progress bar control in a .NET MAUI application. This project contains code to display progress in determinate and indeterminate states, break progress bar down into segments, and smoothly animate the progress value as  well as how to customize the progress bar.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to easily customize the Syncfusion Angular Breadcrumb component using templates in an Angular app. This project also includes a code snippet to add the icons and change its position and disable the breadcrumb items.



A quick-start project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion Angular Breadcrumb component. This project also includes a code snippet to customize the Breadcrumb item separator, enable navigation to the last item, set overflow modes, and set relative and absolute URLs to the Breadcrumb component.



A quick-start project that helps you to integrate a MAUI Rating control in the .NET MAUI application.



A quick-start project that helps you to integrate a MAUI Calendar control in the .NET MAUI application.



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion MAUI ComboBox control to a .NET MAUI app. This project also includes a code snippet to populate the control’s data source, set a custom height and width to the control, customize placeholder text, change the filter type, and hide clear button.  



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion MAUI Radial Gauge to a .NET MAUI app. This project also includes a code snippet to set a specific axis pointer value, customize the gauge axis as well as how to animate the gauge, animate the pointer, and add multiple axis ranges. 



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion MAUI Autocomplete control to a .NET MAUI app. This project also includes a code snippet to populate the control’s data source, set a custom height and width to the control, customize placeholder text, change the filter type, and hide clear button.



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion MAUI Funnel and Pyramid Charts. This project also includes a code snippet to bind data objects to the charts and enable a few of their interactive features like data labels, legend, and tooltips.



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion MAUI Circular Chart. This project also includes a code snippet to bind data objects to it, explode each segment, customize selection behavior, render doughnut chart type, and enable a few of its interactive features like data labels, legends, and tooltips.



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Linear Gauge control of Syncfusion.



A quick start .NET MAUI project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion MAUI Scheduler to a .NET MAUI app. This project also includes a code snippet to add simple appointments to the Scheduler; change the default date, view, today’s date highlight color; and display week numbers.



A quick start React project that shows how to create and configure the Syncfusion React Image Editor.



A quick start Blazor project that shows how to add a Blazor Speed Dial component to the Blazor WebAssembly App. This project also includes a code snippet to set an add icon to the speed dial button, as well as how to customize it using predefined CSS classes and position options.



A quick start Blazor project that shows how to add a Blazor Floating Action Button component to the Blazor WebAssembly App. This project also includes a code snippet to add new records to the Grid using a FAB as well as how to add an icon to the button and change its position and how to apply custom styles to the button.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to load tab items from a JSON collection and remote data source in the Syncfusion Angular Tab component.



A quick start Blazor project that shows how to add a Blazor Pager component to the Blazor WebAssembly App. This project also includes a code snippet to split Blazor list view component data items and display them in pages as well as how to hide the pager message, change the current page value, and display limited page numbers.



A quick start Angular project that shows how to add Angular Image Editor component to the Angular App. This project also includes a code snippet to open and save the image using open and save methods of the image editor.



A quick start Vue project that shows how to add a legend to Syncfusion's Vue Chart component and customize them with various built-in options.. This project also includes a code snippet to position and align the legend, change the legend icons, highlight the selected series in a chart, animate the chart as well as customize the size of the legend.
