AminuIsrael / lambda-selenium-chrome-headless-demo

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Selenium with Headless Chrome on AWS Lambda

Deployment Steps

  1. Go to AWS Lambda, choose your preferred region and create a new function.

  2. Choose Author from scratch. Give it a function name, and choose Python 3.6 as the runtime. Under Role, choose Create new role from template. Roles define the permissions your function has to access other AWS services, like S3. For now give this role a name like scraper. Under Policy templates choose Basic Edge Lambda permissions, which gives your function the ability to run and create logs. Hit Create function.

  3. Now you’re in the main Lambda dashboard. Here is where you set up the triggers, environment variables, and access the logs. Since we want this to run on a schedule, we need to set up the trigger. On the add trigger menu on the left, choose CloudWatch Events.

    Click on Configuration required to set up the time the script will run. A form will appear below it.

    Under Rule choose Create a new rule. Give it a rule name. It can be anything, like dailyscrape. Give it a description so you know what it’s doing if you forget.

    Now you have to write the weird cron expression that tells it when to run. I want to scraper to run at 11 PM EST every night. In Lambda, you need to enter the time in GST, so that’s 3 AM. My expression therefore needs to be: cron(0 3 * * ? *)

    Click on Add and that’s it. Your function is set to run at a scheduled time.

  4. We need to set up our environment variables. Since we’ll be uploading a Chrome browser, we need to tell Lambda where to find it. So punch in these keys and values.

    PATH = /var/task/bin
    PYTHONPATH = /var/task/src:/var/task/lib

  5. Under Basic settings choose how much memory will be allocated to your scraper. My scraper rarely needs more than 1000 MB, but I give it a little more to be safe. If the memory used goes above this limit, Lambda will terminate the function.

    Same with execution time. Lambda gives you a maximum of fifteen minutes to run a function.

  6. Finally, you need to give your file and function a name that Lambda will know how to run. By default, Lambda will look for a file called and run a function called lambda_handler. You can call it whatever you want, just make sure you change this in the Lambda dashboard (under Handler) and in your Makefile, under the docker-run command.

    So if your file is called and your main function is called main(), you need to change these values to crime_scraper.main

  7. Create the zip package by running below command

    make build-lambda-package

    The resulting file will be too big to upload directly to Lambda, since it has a limit of 50MB. A Selenium scraper is big, because you need to include a Chrome browser with it. So you’ll need to add it to an S3 bucket and tell Lambda where it is. So choose Upload file form Amazon S3 in Function area and upload the zip file from S3 to lambda.




Language:Python 57.2%Language:Makefile 33.2%Language:Dockerfile 9.5%